旧称 センター英語解く得!

2018年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 2018年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 問題

C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。


Masaya: The school festival is just around the corner, and we haven’t yet decided what we will do.
Annie: Why don’t you do what the seniors did last year?
Masaya: The principal said she’d like us to try something different this year.
Annie: Oh, Then I guess (        ) and then ask our classmates which they think is the best.

【 (A) we don’t need to / (B) we need to 】→

【 (A) come up to / (B) come up with 】→

【 (A) some ideas / (B) the principal 】



Chris: Do you know how you’re getting to the baseball stadium?
Dan: I’m going by car with John. This is going to be a great game.
I don’t want to miss a minute of it.
Chris: Neither do I. When are you planning to get there?
Dan: (        ) Do you want to come with us?

【 (A) we’d have thought of arriving / (B) we’re thinking of arriving 】→

【 (A) at least an hour / (B) for about an hour 】→

【 (A) before the game ends. / (B) before the game starts. 】



Kei: Where’s Tom? It’s twenty past three already!
Andy: What’s up? Are you going somewhere with him?
Kei: No. We have to work on our physics project.
Andy: I just came from the gym and saw him playing badminton there.
Kei: Really? (        )

【 (A) He was supposed to / (B) It is supposed to 】→

【 (A) meet me here in the gym / (B) meet me here in the library 】→

【 (A) at 3:00. / (B) at 4:00.】



2. 2018年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 解答・解説

C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。


Masaya: The school festival is just around the corner, and we haven’t yet decided what we will do.
Annie: Why don’t you do what the seniors did last year?
Masaya: The principal said she’d like us to try something different this year.
Annie: Oh, Then I guess (        ) and then ask our classmates which they think is the best.

【 (A) we don’t need to / (B) we need to 】→

【 (A) come up to / (B) come up with 】→

【 (A) some ideas / (B) the principal 】


【 考え方 】

この状況を考えれば we need to come up with some ideas 「新しいアイデアを考え出す必要がある」が正解になる。

come up with ~「~を思いつく、考え出す」頻出熟語

・come up to ~ come to の強意表現。come to up ~「~(期待)に添う」は余力があったら覚えておきたい。cf. The play did not come up to our expectations. その劇は我々の期待したほどの出来ばえではなかった.

[ 解答 ]
we need to come up with some ideas.




Chris: Do you know how you’re getting to the baseball stadium?
Dan: I’m going by car with John. This is going to be a great game.
I don’t want to miss a minute of it.
Chris: Neither do I. When are you planning to get there?
Dan: (        ) Do you want to come with us?

【 (A) we’d have thought of arriving / (B) we’re thinking of arriving 】→

【 (A) at least an hour / (B) for about an hour 】→

【 (A) before the game ends. / (B) before the game starts. 】


【 考え方 】

・arrive 到着すると 期間を表すfor は同時に使えないので2つ目の選択肢は(A) (ここではarrive at ではなく、at least )

[ 解答 ]
we are thinking of arriving at least an hour before the game starts.




Kei: Where’s Tom? It’s twenty past three already!
Andy: What’s up? Are you going somewhere with him?
Kei: No. We have to work on our physics project.
Andy: I just came from the gym and saw him playing badminton there.
Kei: Really? (        )

【 (A) He was supposed to / (B) It is supposed to 】→

【 (A) meet me here in the gym / (B) meet me here in the library 】→

【 (A) at 3:00. / (B) at 4:00. 】


【 考え方 】

be supposed to V「Vすることになっている」基本人が主語なので最初の選択肢は(A)

[ 解答 ]

He was supposed to meet me here in the library at 3:00.



【 参考 】

問1のcome up with ~は2001年の本試験で出題済

At first no one in class could find an answer, but finally David came up (        ) one.
① for   ② on  ③ to  ④ with  (2001年本試験)


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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