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共通テスト英語2022(令和4) 第2問B 問題&詳細解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

英語2022(令和4) 第2問 B-問題

B  You are the editor of a school English paper. David, an exchange student from the UK, has written an article for the paper.

Do you like animals? The UK is known as a nation of animal-lovers; two in five UK homes have pets. This is lower than in the US, where more than half of homes have pets. However, Australia has the highest percentage of homes with pets!

Why is this so? Results of a survey done in Australia give us some answers.

Pet owners mention the following advantages of living with pets:

➢The love, happiness, and friendship pets give (90%);

➢The feeling of having another family member (over 60% of dog and cat owners);

➢The happy times pets bring. Most owners spend 3-4 hours with their ‘fur babies’ every day and around half of all dog and cat owners let their pets sleep with them!

One disadvantage is that pets have to be cared for when owners go away. It may be difficult to organise care for them; 25% of owners take their pets on holidays or road trips.

These results suggest that keeping pets is a good thing. On the other hand, since coming to Japan, I have seen other problems such as space, time, and cost. Still, I know people here who are content living in small flats with pets. Recently, I heard that little pigs are becoming popular as pets in Japan. Some people take their pig(s) for a walk, which must be fun, but I wonder how easy it is to keep pigs inside homes.

問1  In terms of the ratios for homes with pets, which shows the countries’ ranking from highest to lowest? ( 11 )

Australia-the UK-the US         

Australia-the US-the UK

The UK-Australia-the US    

The UK-the US-Australia

The US-Australia-the UK    

The US-the UK-Australia


問2  According to David’s report, one advantage of having pets is that  ( 12 ) .

you can save money             

you can sleep longer

you will become popular 

your life can be more enjoyable


問3  The statement that best reflects one finding from the survey is  ( 13 ).

‘I feel uncomfortable when I watch TV with my cat.’

‘I spend about three hours with my pet every day.’

‘Most pets like going on car trips.’

‘Pets need a room of their own.’


問4  Which best summarises David’s opinions about having pets in Japan?  ( 14 )

It is not troublesome to keep pets.

People might stop keeping pets.

Pet owners have more family members.

Some people are happy to keep pets inside their homes.


問5  Which is the most suitable title for the article? ( 15 )

Does Your Pet Sleep on Your Bed?

What Does Keeping Pets Give Us?

What Pet Do You Have?

Why Not Keep a Pet Pig?



英語2022(令和4) 第2問 B-解答

第2問 B 問1 解答

問1  In terms of the ratios for homes with pets, which shows the countries’ ranking from highest to lowest? ( 11 ) ペットのいる家庭の割合に関して、どれが最上位から最下位の国の順序を示しているか。

Australia-the UK-the US 

Australia-the US-the UK

The UK-Australia-the US

The UK-the US-Australia

The US-Australia-the UK

The US-the UK-Australia


Do you like animals? The UK is known as a nation of animal-lovers; two in five UK homes have pets. This is lower than in the US, where more than half of homes have pets. However, Australia has the highest percentage of homes with pets!


第2問 B 問2 解答

問2  According to David’s report, one advantage of having pets is that ( 12 ) . Davidの報告によると、ペットを飼う利点の一つは( 12 )。

you can save money  お金を節約できる

you can sleep longer より長く眠れる

you will become popular 人気者になる

your life can be more enjoyable あなたの人生がより楽しいものになり得る

Pet owners mention the following advantages of living with pets: ペットの所有者はペットを買うことの利点を以下のように述べている。


➢The happy times pets bring. ペットがもたらす幸せな時間


第2問 B 問3 解答

問3  The statement that best reflects one finding from the survey is  ( 13 ). その調査で分かったことを最も反映した文は( 13 ).

‘I feel uncomfortable when I watch TV with my cat.’「私は猫と一緒にテレビを見ると不快に感じます。」

‘I spend about three hours with my pet every day.’「私はペットと毎日約3時間過ごしています


‘Most pets like going on car trips.’「ほとんどのペットは車旅行に出かけるのが好きです。」

‘Pets need a room of their own.’「ペットは自分の部屋が必要です。」

前問の利点の3つ目➢The happy times pets bring.に続く文に

Most owners spend 3-4 hours with their ‘fur babies’ every day ほとんどのペット所有者は毎日3,4時間「毛皮のある子供」とある。


第2問 B 問4 解答

問4  Which best summarises David’s opinions about having pets in Japan?  ( 14 ) 日本でペットを飼うことについてDavidの意見を最もよく要約したものはどれか。( 14 )

It is not troublesome to keep pets. ペットを飼うことは面倒ではない。

People might stop keeping pets. 人々はペットを飼うのを止めないかもしれない。

Pet owners have more family members. ペットの飼い主はより多くの家族がいる。

Some people are happy to keep pets inside their homes. 家の中でペットを飼って幸せな人がいる。


Still, I know people here who are content living in small flats with pets.



第2問 B 問5 解答

問5  Which is the most suitable title for the article? ( 15 ) この記事に関して最も適切なタイトルはどれか。( 15 )

Does Your Pet Sleep on Your Bed? ペットはベッドで寝ますか。

What Does Keeping Pets Give Us? ペットを飼うことは私たちに何を与えてくれるのか。

What Pet Do You Have? どんなペットを飼っていますか。

Why Not Keep a Pet Pig? ペットのブタを飼ってみませんか。





この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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