2017年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説

「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2017年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. Today, in science class, I learned that salt water doesn’t freeze ( ) 0℃.
①at ②in ③on ④with
2. Many experts think that we need to create more job opportunities for ( ).
①a young ②the young ③young ④younger
3. The leaves in my neighborhood have recently ( ) yellow.
①come ②developed ③led ④turned
4. I think eating at home is often ( ) more economical than eating at a restaurant.
①far ②high ③too ④very
5. ( ) as the leading actor in the film, Ramesh soon became a star.
①Choosing ②Having been chosen ③Having chosen ④To choose
6. Please give me ( ) information you get as soon as possible.
①as if ②even if ③whatever ④whenever
7. The typhoon suddenly became weaker, ( ) was good news for the village.
①it ②that ③what ④which
8. He ( A ) his umbrella ( B ) in the door by accident when he boarded the rush hour train.
①A: got B: caught ②A: got B: to catch ③A: made B: caught ④A: made B: to catch
9. ( A ) in this class is as kind ( B ) Abbie. She always helps people who are in trouble.
①A: Anybody B: as ②A: Anybody B: than ③A: Nobody B: as ④A: Nobody B: than
10. Angelina ( A ) me whether I ( B ) enjoyed the festival last Saturday.
①A: asked B: had ②A: asked B: have ③A: said to B: had ④A: said to B: have
2. 2017年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説
1. Today, in science class, I learned that salt water doesn’t freeze ( ) 0℃.
①at ②in ③on ④with
【 前置詞 】
2. Many experts think that we need to create more job opportunities for ( ).
①a young ②the young ③young ④younger
【 形容詞・冠詞 】
・the+形容詞=形容詞 people → the young = young people
3. The leaves in my neighborhood have recently ( ) yellow.
①come ②developed ③led ④turned
【 文型・SVC 】
・主語+動詞+形容詞 ⇒ 第二文型 第二文型を取る動詞はcomeとturn。
・turn C 「(大きく変わって)Cになる」
・come C 「Cになる」→Cは+の(ポジティブな)内容。 cf. My dreams came true.
4. I think eating at home is often ( ) more economical than eating at a restaurant.
①far ②high ③too ④very
【 比較 】
・比較級の強調 ⇒ far「ずっと、はるかに」
5. ( ) as the leading actor in the film, Ramesh soon became a star.
①Choosing ②Having been chosen ③Having chosen ④To choose
【 分詞・分詞構文 】
⇒ カッコ内の意味上の主語はRamesh
⇒ 主役に「選ばれた」のだから受身になっている形を選ぶ。
・Having been chosen ~ = After Ramesh had been chosen ~
6. Please give me ( ) information you get as soon as possible.
①as if ②even if ③whatever ④whenever
【 関係詞 】
・複合関係形容詞 whatever ~ 「どんな~でも」(~は名詞)
7. The typhoon suddenly became weaker, ( ) was good news for the village.
①it ②that ③what ④which
【 関係詞 】
・, which was = , and that was
8. He ( A ) his umbrella ( B ) in the door by accident when he boarded the rush hour train.
①A: got B: caught ②A: got B: to catch ③A: made B: caught ④A: made B: to catch
【 SVOC・分詞 】
・get O Vp.p. 「OをVされる」受身(被害)を表す用法
9. ( A ) in this class is as kind ( B ) Abbie. She always helps people who are in trouble.
①A: Anybody B: as ②A: Anybody B: than ③A: Nobody B: as ④A: Nobody B: than
【 比較 】
・最上級相当表現 Nobody is as ~ as A 「Aほど~な人はいない」
10. Angelina ( A ) me whether I ( B ) enjoyed the festival last Saturday.
①A: asked B: had ②A: asked B: have ③A: said to B: had ④A: said to B: have
【 動詞・時制 】
・ask +whether 「~かどうか尋ねる」
・「尋ねた」より「楽しんだ」の方が前のことなので過去完了形 had Vp.p.を使う。
【 ポイント! 】
ask「尋ねる」はwhether / if 「~かどうか」と相性よし。
◯ask whether ~ 「~かどうか尋ねる」
☓ask that ~ 「~ということを尋ねる」 尋ねていないので不可
5. YouTubeの「2017年センター英語本試験 2A 文法・語法」はこちら
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)