2018年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説

「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2018年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. Jeff didn’t accept the job offer because of the ( ) salary.
①cheap ②inexpensive ③low ④weak
2. Brenda went ( ) to get something to drink.
①at downstairs ②downstairs ③the downstairs ④to downstairs
3. After I injured my elbow, I had to quit ( ) for my school’s badminton team.
①playing ②to be playing ③to have played ④to play
4. It’s ( ) my understanding why he decided to buy such an old car.
①against ②behind ③beneath ④beyond
5. Nicole ( ) novels for about seven years when she won the national novel contest.
①had been writing ②has been writing ③has written ④is writing
6. Our boss was sick at home, so we did ( ) we thought was needed to finish the project.
①how ②that ③what ④which
7. ( ) I didn’t notice it, but there was a huge spider in the bathroom.
①At first ②Beginning ③Besides ④Firstly
8. Rafael ( A ) a pair of swallows ( B ) a nest in the tree in front of the house.
①A: looked B: making ②A: looked B: to make ③A: saw B: making ④A: saw B: to make
9. It ( A ) be long ( B ) the plum blossoms come out. They may even bloom this coming weekend.
①A: should B: before ②A: should B: enough ③A: shouldn’t B: before ④A: shouldn’t B: enough
10. Melissa said she ( A ) rather go snowboarding next weekend ( B ) go ice-skating.
①A: could B: than ②A: could B: to ③A: would B: than ④A: would B: to
2. 2018年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説
1. Jeff didn’t accept the job offer because of the ( ) salary.
①cheap ②inexpensive ③low ④weak
【 形容詞 】
・salary「給料」が高い低いはhigh / low 、またはsmall / largeを用いる。
・cheap / inexpensive は「値段が安い」という意味。
2. Brenda went ( ) to get something to drink.
①at downstairs ②downstairs ③the downstairs ④to downstairs
【 副詞 】
(名詞のdownstairsなら go to the downstairs)
3. After I injured my elbow, I had to quit ( ) for my school’s badminton team.
①playing ②to be playing ③to have played ④to play
【 動名詞 】
・quit Ving「Vすることをやめる」 quitに動詞が続く場合は動名詞になる。
不定詞は未来志向。「止める」という意味の動詞はfinish, stop, give upなどは動名詞を目的語に取り、不定詞とは相性がよくありません。
4. It’s ( ) my understanding why he decided to buy such an old car.
①against ②behind ③beneath ④beyond
【 前置詞 】
・beyond one’s understanding「~の理解を超えている」
5. Nicole ( ) novels for about seven years when she won the national novel contest.
①had been writing ②has been writing ③has written ④is writing
【 時制 】
・過去完了進行形(had been Ving)は過去の動作の継続を表す。
6. Our boss was sick at home, so we did ( ) we thought was needed to finish the project.
①how ②that ③what ④which
【 関係詞 】
what was needed「必要だったこと」
what we thought was needed「必要だと私達が思ったこと」
was needed の前にSVの形はいわゆる連鎖関係代名詞と言われる形。
7. ( ) I didn’t notice it, but there was a huge spider in the bathroom.
①At first ②Beginning ③Besides ④Firstly
【 前置詞・副詞 】
・at first「最初は」 後に状況が変わることを示唆するので、後にbutが続くのはよくある形
8. Rafael ( A ) a pair of swallows ( B ) a nest in the tree in front of the house.
①A: looked B: making ②A: looked B: to make ③A: saw B: making ④A: saw B: to make
【 知覚動詞・SVOC 】
・lookは「look at」で見るという意味になる。atがないのでAはsawを選択する。
◯see O V(原形) ◯see O Ving ☓see O to V
9. It ( A ) be long ( B ) the plum blossoms come out. They may even bloom this coming weekend.
①A: should B: before ②A: should B: enough ③A: shouldn’t B: before ④A: shouldn’t B: enough
【 時制・接続詞・熟語 】
・本問は It won’t be long before ~ 「まもなく~する」の変形
10. Melissa said she ( A ) rather go snowboarding next weekend ( B ) go ice-skating.
①A: could B: than ②A: could B: to ③A: would B: than ④A: would B: to
【 助動詞 】
・would rather V1 than V2「V2するくらいなら(むしろ)V1したい」メリッサは来週末アイススケートに行くよりもむしろスノーボードをしたいと言った。
9. の形は珍しいですが、後は素直な問題が多かった印象です。
5. YouTubeの「2018年センター英語本試験 2A 文法・語法」はこちら
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)