旧称 センター英語解く得!

2001年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 2001年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題


1. If it (      ) raining soon, shall we go out for a walk?
①stopped ②stops ③will stop ④would stop

2. At first no one in class could find an answer, but finally David came up (      ) one.
①for ②on ③to ④with

3. Jim had a skiing accident yesterday, but he’s all right. He’s lucky, because he (      ) hurt himself badly.
①could have ② might ③should ④ will have

4. Something’s wrong with the car! We must have a (      ) tire.
①broken ②dead ③flat ④weak

5. “You are coming with us to the beach on Sunday, aren’t you?” “I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to (      ) it after all.”
①give ②make ③miss ④save

6. A (      ) is the money that you pay for a journey made, for example, by bus, train, or taxi.
①charge ②cost ③fare ④fee

7. “Do you need that report right away?” “No, there’s no hurry. Take your (      ).”
①chance ②part ③rest ④time

8. We (      ) playing baseball for about half an hour when it started to rain very heavily.
①had been ②have been ③might be ④would be

9. “Mom, can I use the car tonight?” “No, that’s (      ). Remember what happened last time.”
①all the same to you ②none of your business ③out of the question ④time after time

10. “We had terrible weather during our vacation.” “(      )? What a shame!”
①Did you ②Had it ③Was it ④Were you



2. 2001年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説


1.  If it (      ) raining soon, shall we go out for a walk?

①stopped  ②stops  ③will stop  ④would stop

[ 時制 ]




2. At first no one in class could find an answer, but finally David came up (      ) one.

①for  ②on  ③to  ④with

[ 動詞句 ]

・come up with ~ 「~を思いつく」
・come up for ~ 「~の候補になる、議題になる」 ・come up to~「(期待・基準)に添う」



3. Jim had a skiing accident yesterday, but he’s all right. He’s lucky, because he (      ) hurt himself badly.

①could have  ② might  ③should  ④ will have

[ 仮定法 ]

・could have 過去分詞 (実際には起こらなかったが)「過去に起こる可能性があった」
・might V / should V / will have Vp.p.の形では、過去のことを表せない。



4. Something’s wrong with the car! We must have a (      ) tire.

①broken  ②dead  ③flat  ④weak

[ 形容詞・熟語 ]

・flat tire: パンク(してぺちゃんこになったタイヤ)←平らなタイヤ



5. “You are coming with us to the beach on Sunday, aren’t you?” “I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to (      ) it after all.”

①give  ②make  ③miss  ④save

[ 動詞句 ]

・make it 「出席する(来る)」 make itは他に「うまくいく」「間に合う」



6. A (      ) is the money that you pay for a journey made, for example, by bus, train, or taxi.

①charge  ②cost  ③fare  ④fee

[ 名詞 ]

・fare 「運賃」
・charge 「手数料、使用料」 cost 「費用」 fee 「入場料」



7. “Do you need that report right away?” “No, there’s no hurry. Take your (      ).”

①chance  ②part  ③rest  ④time

[ 動詞句・熟語 ]

・take one’s time 「ゆっくり(自分のペースで)やる」
・take a chance 「運に任せる」 take part 「参加する」 rest 「休憩する」



8. We (      ) playing baseball for about half an hour when it started to rain very heavily.

①had been  ②have been  ③might be  ④would be

[ 時制 ]




9. “Mom, can I use the car tonight?” “No, that’s (      ). Remember what happened last time.”

①all the same to you  ②none of your business  ③out of the question  ④time after time

[ 名詞句・熟語 ]

・out of the question「問題にならない(全く不可能だ)」
・all the same to you 「あなたにとってどちらでも構わない」
・none of your business 「あなたの知ったことか」  time after time 「何度も(繰り返し)」

「母さん、今晩車を使っていい」 「いや、絶対だめ。この前起こったことを思い出しなさい」


10. “We had terrible weather during our vacation.” “(      )? What a shame!”

①Did you  ②Had it  ③Was it  ④Were you

[ 会話表現 ]

・Did you (have terrible weather during our vacation)?




この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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