旧称 センター英語解く得!

2022年入試に出た!文法・語法問題 早稲田大学法学部【動画あり】


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1 早稲田大学 法学部 前置詞選択

Ⅲ Choose the BEST item from the box with which to fill the blanks in the passage below. You may use each item only ONCE.

(A) at (B) by (C) down (D) in (E) on (F) out (G) over (H) under (I) without

 It was the first time she had driven [ 1 ] Europe, and she was nervous about driving [ 2 ] the right. She enjoyed the view as she drove [ 3 ] the street until she heard the sound of thunder behind her. Driven [ 4 ] fear, she accelerated and tried to drive [ 5 ] of the area as quickly as possible. She had never driven [ 6 ] such speed before! After around twenty kilometers, she was stopped by the police, who gave her a ticket for driving [ 7 ] the speed limit by thirty kilometers per hour.

2 早稲田大学 法学部 不正解選択

Ⅳ Choose the ONE way to make each of these sentences INCORRECT.

1 I (         ) hiking in the mountain.

A am not about to go B can’t stand C do not care for D prefer to not E would rather not go

2 I am (         ) of repeating the same procedure every day.

A capable B fond C keen D sick E tried

3 The teacher had to (         ) the answer several times.

A check B explain C repeat D tell E write

4 They (         ) the development of the program.

A accelerated B accepted C accommodated D accomplished E accounted

5 Would you (         ) me a letter of recommendation?

A be kind enough to write B be willing to write C do me a favor for writing D please consider writing E mind writing

3 早稲田大学 法学部 語文訂正

Ⅴ Choose the underlined section in each sentence below that is INCORRECT. If the choices in the sentences are ALL correct, choose E.

1 (A) Just as there is more than one reason (B) to save a forest, (C) there is more than one benefit (D) to protecting the ocean. 

2 (A) My father has come back from Myanmar yesterday (B) after being told that (C) the political situation there was growing (D) more and more unstable by the day

3 (A) Smiling warmly, the stranger turned as if to speak to me, (B) but I, lacking the courage to respond, (C) kept on to walking, (D) thus spoiling his friendly gesture

4 (A) Why are you concern yourself (B) with all the gossiping (C) when you know full well that (D) there is no basis for any of that nonsense?  



4 早稲田大学 法学部 前置詞選択-解答・解説

Ⅲ Choose the BEST item from the box with which to fill the blanks in the passage below. You may use each item only ONCE.

(A) at (B) by (C) down (D) in (E) on (F) out (G) over (H) under (I) without

 It was the first time she had driven [ 1 in ] Europe, and she was nervous about driving [ 2 on ] the right. She enjoyed the view as she drove [ 3 down] the street until she heard the sound of thunder behind her. Driven [ 4 by] fear, she accelerated and tried to drive [ 5 out] of the area as quickly as possible. She had never driven [ 6 at ] such speed before! After around twenty kilometers, she was stopped by the police, who gave her a ticket for driving [ 7 over ] the speed limit by thirty kilometers per hour.

1 in Europe「ヨーロッパで」「中」を表す基本のin。

2 on the right 「右側を」

3 go down [up] the street 「通りに沿って行く」 この場合down と upはほぼ同じで意味はありません。

4 driven by fear 「恐怖に駆られて」byは「~によって」

5 out of ~「~外へ、~から抜け出す」

6 at ~ speed 「~の速さで」 スピードのように数値で表せるものは点を表すatと使われる事が多いです。

7 over the speed limit 「制限速度を超えて」

【 全訳 】




5 早稲田大学 法学部 不正解選択- 解答・解説

Ⅳ Choose the ONE way to make each of these sentences INCORRECT.

1 I (         ) hiking in the mountain.

A am not about to go B can’t stand C do not care for D prefer to not E would rather not go

D prefer to not → prefer not to go

・prefer to Vの否定はprefer not to V。また不定詞の後なのでgoを補いgo hiking「ハイキングに行く」の形にします


2 I am (         ) of repeating the same procedure every day.

A capable B fond C keen D sick E tried

C keen of repeating → keen on repeating

・keen of Vingの形はなくkeen on Vingが正解。keen to repeat も正しい形です。


3 The teacher had to (         ) the answer several times.

A check B explain C repeat D tell E write



4 They (         ) the development of the program.

A accelerated B accepted C accommodated D accomplished E accounted

E accountedaccounted for



5 Would you (         ) me a letter of recommendation?

A be kind enough to write B be willing to write C do me a favor for writing D please consider writing E mind writing

C do me a favor for writing → do me a  favor and write

・Would you [ Could you / Can you / Please ] do me a favor? 「お願いがあるのですが」のdo me a favor の後には forが続く形がありません。なのでwriteはandでつなぐ必要があります。



6 早稲田大学 法学部 語文訂正 - 解答・解説

Ⅴ Choose the underlined section in each sentence below that is INCORRECT. If the choices in the sentences are ALL correct, choose E.

1 (A) Just as there is more than one reason (B) to save a forest, (C) there is more than one benefit (D) to protecting the ocean. 

・benefit はbenefit to ~で「~に対する利点」。toの後には名詞が続くのでprotectingという動名詞は問題なしです。


2 (A) My father has come back from Myanmar yesterday (B) after being told that (C) the political situation there was growing (D) more and more unstable by the day

My father has come back from Myanmar yesterday →My father came back from Myanmar yesterday




3 (A) Smiling warmly, the stranger turned as if to speak to me, (B) but I, lacking the courage to respond, (C) kept on to walking, (D) thus spoiling his friendly gesture

kept on to walking →kept on walking

・keep on Ving「Vし続ける」



4 (A) Why are you concern yourself (B) with all the gossiping (C) when you know full well that (D) there is no basis for any of that nonsense?  

Why are you concern yourself → Why do you concern yourself またはWhy are you concerned

・concern oneself with またはbe concerned withで「~に関心を持つ」



7 早稲田大学 法学部 文法語法問題 解説動画はこちら

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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