2022年入試に出た!文法・語法問題 立命館大学2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」18題
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」文法
[ 1 ] 次の(A)~(H)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部の語法としてもっとも適当なものを(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) What is this long list of words ?
(1) for (2) necessary (3) says (4) writing
(B) If you have any questions, please feel to the office.
(1) contact (2) contact for (3) contact in (4) contact to
(C) His suitcase had a tag with his name on it.
(1) been printed (2) prints (3) printed (4) printing
(D) a little more care, I could have avoided the mistake.
(1) Because of (2) In spite of (3) Thanks to (4) With
(E) How dare that to me?
(1) can you say (2) do you say (3) will you say (4) you say
(F) I am tired because I have been reading a thousand pages a week.
(1) all the more (2) as many as (3) many more (4) more and more
(G) did she dream that she was to become an astronaut.
(1) Enough (2) Even (3) Little (4) Though
(H) The task they are responsible is still left undone.
(1) at which (2) for which (3) of which (4) which
2 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」単語選択
[ 2 ] 次の(A)~(E)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部に入れる語としてもっとも適当なものを(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) This animal rescue center relies on from local citizens to survive.
(1) ancestors (2) donations (3) manners (4) politics
(B) The deadline is tomorrow, so let’s put away our phones to avoid further .
(1) possession (2) preservation (3) procrastination (4) proportion
(C) the powder in a glass of water.
(1) Accuse (2) Deprive (3) Dissolve (4) Mount
(D) They proved that the antique was .
(1) deliberate (2) genuine (3) mature (4) tame
(E) The unhappy situation I found myself in could only be described as a serious .
(1) prance (2) predicament (3) preposition (4) prom
3 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」同意語選択
[ 3 ] 次の(A)~(E)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部の語にもっとも近い意味になる語を(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) The arctic environment created problems for the team.
(1) artificial (2) desert (3) polar (4) training
(B) It was an adorable performance by the children.
(1) a delightful (2) a diligent (3) a peculiar (4) a persuasive
(C) We need to modify the materials.
(1) adapt (2) distribute (3) guarantee (4) minimize
(D) The apartment buildings surrounded and dwarf the nearby houses.
(1) dignify (2) disguise (3) displace (4) dominate
(E) The latest developments were jeopardizing our plans.
(1) assuring (2) magnifying (3) popularizing (4) threatening
4 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」文法-解答・解説
[ 1 ] 次の(A)~(H)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部の語法としてもっとも適当なものを(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) What is this long list of words ?
(1) for (2) necessary (3) says (4) writing
[ 慣用表現 ]・What ~for?「何のために」 forは必ず文末にくる
(B) If you have any questions, please feel to the office.
(1) contact (2) contact for (3) contact in (4) contact to
[ 自動詞か他動詞か ]・contact は他動詞で「(人)に連絡する」という意味なので前置詞は不要。
(C) His suitcase had a tag with his name on it.
(1) been printed (2) prints (3) printed (4) printing
[ 付帯状況のwith ]・付帯状況with = with O+C his nameは「プリントする」ではなく「プリントされる」なので過去分詞を選ぶ。
(D) a little more care, I could have avoided the mistake.
(1) Because of (2) In spite of (3) Thanks to (4) With
[ 仮定法 ifを使わない条件 ]・with「~があったら」 without「~がなかったら」の反対
(E) How dare that to me?
(1) can you say (2) do you say (3) will you say (4) you say
[ 助動詞dare ]・how dare SV「よくもまあ[ずうずうしくも]…できるものだ」
(F) I am tired because I have been reading a thousand pages a week.
(1) all the more (2) as many as (3) many more (4) more and more
[ 比較 ]・as many as + 数詞「~もの」 数の多さを強調する。
(G) did she dream that she was to become an astronaut.
(1) Enough (2) Even (3) Little (4) Though
[ 倒置 ]・little 「全く~ない」 文頭に来るとその後は倒置(疑問文の語順になる)
= She little dreamed that ~
(H) The task they are responsible is still left undone.
(1) at which (2) for which (3) of which (4) which
[ 関係詞 ]・they are responsible for the task なのでfor whichを選択
5 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」単語選択-解答・解説
[ 2 ] 次の(A)~(E)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部に入れる語としてもっとも適当なものを(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) This animal rescue center relies on from local citizens to survive.
(1) ancestors (2) donations (3) manners (4) politics
[ 名詞 ]・donation「寄付」
(B) The deadline is tomorrow, so let’s put away our phones to avoid further .
(1) possession (2) preservation (3) procrastination (4) proportion
[ 名詞 ]・procrastination「引き延ばすこと、延期」
(C) the powder in a glass of water.
(1) Accuse (2) Deprive (3) Dissolve (4) Mount
[ 動詞 ]・dissolve「溶かす、分解する」
(D) They proved that the antique was .
(1) deliberate (2) genuine (3) mature (4) tame
[ 形容詞 ]・genuine「本物の」
(E) The unhappy situation I found myself in could only be described as a serious .
(1) prance (2) predicament (3) preposition (4) prom
[ 名詞 ]・predicament「苦境、窮地」
6 立命館大学2022年2/2実施「文系・理系・薬」同意語選択-解答・解説
[ 3 ] 次の(A)~(E)それぞれの文を完成させるのに、下線部の語にもっとも近い意味になる語を(1)~(4)から一つ選び、その番号を解答欄にマークしなさい。(A) The arctic environment created problems for the team.
(1) artificial (2) desert (3) polar (4) training
[ 形容詞 ]・arctic「北極の」cf. antarctic「南極の」 polar「南極の、北極の」
(B) It was an adorable performance by the children.
(1) a delightful (2) a diligent (3) a peculiar (4) a persuasive
[ 形容詞 ]・adorable「愛らしい」delightful「楽しい」
(C) We need to modify the materials.
(1) adapt (2) distribute (3) guarantee (4) minimize
[ 動詞 ]・modify「修正する」adapt「改造する」
(D) The apartment buildings surrounded and dwarf the nearby houses.
(1) dignify (2) disguise (3) displace (4) dominate
[ 動詞 ]・dwarf「小さく見せる」 dwarfは「小人」のこと dominate「支配する、見下ろす」
(E) The latest developments were jeopardizing our plans.
(1) assuring (2) magnifying (3) popularizing (4) threatening
[ 動詞 ]・jeopardize「危うくする」threaten「脅かす」
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)