2014年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2014年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. When I looked out of the window last night, I saw a cat ( ) into my neighbor’s yard.
①is snaked ②sneaking ③sneaks ④to sneak
2. Ever since they first met at the sports festival, Pat and Pam ( ) each other.
①are emailing ②emailed ③have been emailing ④will email
3. My mother asked me ( ) we should go out for lunch or eat at home.
① that ②what ③whether ④which
4. My wife wanted to have our son ( ) dinner for us, but I ordered a pizza instead.
①cook ②cooked ③cooks ④to cook
5. I took it for ( ) that we were free to use the school gym on Saturdays.
①demanded ②granted ③natural ④truthful
6. Could you ( ) me who is planning Dan’s birthday party?
①say to ②talk to ③teach ④tell
7. We were shocked when the cashier added ( ) the bill and the total was 20,000 yen.
①at ②from ③off ④up
8. The ( A ) of treatment at the hospital is much lower for ( B ) who have health insurance.
①A: cost B: them ②A: cost B: those ③A: fare B: them ④A: fare B: those
9. Even though I ( A ) spent two years in the US, I’ve never ( B ) to the Grand Canyon. Maybe I’ll go next year.
①A: ever B: been ②A: ever B: visited ③A: once B: been ④A: once B: visited
10. My mother is trying very hard to ( A ) ends meet, ( B ) she never lets me buy anything unnecessary.
①A: get B: but ②A: get B: so ③A: make B: but ④A: make B: so
2. 2014年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. When I looked out of the window last night, I saw a cat ( ) into my neighbor’s yard.
①is snaked ②sneaking ③sneaks ④to sneak
【 知覚動詞・SVOC 】
・知覚V+O+V’ing 「OがV’しているのをVする」
2. Ever since they first met at the sports festival, Pat and Pam ( ) each other.
①are emailing ②emailed ③have been emailing ④will email
【 時制 】
・have been Ving 「現在完了進行形」 現在まで継続している動作を表す。
3. My mother asked me ( ) we should go out for lunch or eat at home.
① that ②what ③whether ④which
【 動詞・接続詞 】
・ask O (人) whether A or B「人にAかBか尋ねる」
4. My wife wanted to have our son ( ) dinner for us, but I ordered a pizza instead.
①cook ②cooked ③cooks ④to cook
【 原形不定詞・SVOC 】
・have O+動詞の原形 「Oに~してもらう、させる」
5. I took it for ( ) that we were free to use the school gym on Saturdays.
①demanded ②granted ③natural ④truthful
【 形式目的語・熟語 】
・take O for granted 「Oを当然だと思う」
6. Could you ( ) me who is planning Dan’s birthday party?
①say to ②talk to ③teach ④tell
【 動詞 】
7. We were shocked when the cashier added ( ) the bill and the total was 20,000 yen.
①at ②from ③off ④up
【 動詞句・熟語 】
・add up ~「~を合計する」 upは勘定を積み上げる感じ。
8. The ( A ) of treatment at the hospital is much lower for ( B ) who have health insurance.
①A: cost B: them ②A: cost B: those ③A: fare B: them ④A: fare B: those
【 名詞・代名詞 】
・cost 「費用」fare「運賃」
・those who~ = the people who~ 「~する人々」
9. Even though I ( A ) spent two years in the US, I’ve never ( B ) to the Grand Canyon. Maybe I’ll go next year.
①A: ever B: been ②A: ever B: visited ③A: once B: been ④A: once B: visited
【 副詞・時制・動詞 】
・once 「かつて」
・everはat any time「どんな時でも」が基本的な意味 →肯定文では最上級を伴う以外に用いない。
・have been to ~「~に行ったことがある」
・visit は他動詞。☓visit to 場所
10. My mother is trying very hard to ( A ) ends meet, ( B ) she never lets me buy anything unnecessary.
①A: get B: but ②A: get B: so ③A: make B: but ④A: make B: so
【 動詞句・熟語・副詞 】
・make ends meet 「収入の範囲でやりくりする」
5. YouTubeの「2014年センター英語本試験 2A 文法・語法」はこちら
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)