旧称 センター英語解く得!

2000年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 2000年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題

1. “What’s that song you’re listening to?”
“You don’t know? It’s ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles. You (      ) it before!”
①hadn’t heard ②might hear ③must’ve heard ④shouldn’t hear

2. Bill had to leave his family (      ) when he went abroad to work.
①back ②behind ③off ④over

3. “May I speak to Mr. Hall, please?”
“I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. Can I take a (      )?”
①memo ②message ③note ④record

4. These two plants are different in almost every way. The only feature they have (      ) is their need for dry soil.
①by chance ②by nature ③in common ④in turn

5. Paul left his book at home again. He’s so (      ).
①forgetful ②forgettable ③forgetting ④forgotten

6. Sarah is always able to answer the teacher’s questions. She is such a (      ) girl.
①dependent ②lazy ③shy ④smart

7. “Haven’t you finished that report yet?”
“(      ) me a few more minutes and I’ll get it done.”
①Give ②Share ③Take ④Wait

8. “Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was great! I’m really looking forward (      ) there again sometime.”
①go ②going ③to go ④to going

9. “Is that Italian restaurant next to the bookstore new?”
“No, I think (      ) for more than a year now.”
①it’s been open ②it’s open ③it’s opened ④it was open

10. “May I use your phone?” — “Sure, (      ). I’m not expecting any calls right now.”
①come about ②go ahead ③put it on ④take it up

11. It’s a (      ) your wife couldn’t come. I really wanted to meet her.
①harm ②shame ③sorrow ④trouble




2. 2000年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説


1. “What’s that song you’re listening to?”

“You don’t know? It’s ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles. You (      ) it before!”

①hadn’t heard  ②might hear  ③must’ve heard  ④shouldn’t hear

[ 助動詞 ]

・must have Vp.p.~ 「~したに違いない」
・①hadn’t heard 「(過去の過去に)聞いたことがなかった」は意味が合わない。 



2. Bill had to leave his family (      ) when he went abroad to work.

①back  ②behind  ③off  ④over

[ 動詞句・熟語 ]

・leave O behind 「Oを後に残していく」
・leave O over 「O(食べ物など)を残す」



3. “May I speak to Mr. Hall, please?”

“I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. Can I take a (      )?”

①memo  ②message  ③note  ④record

[ 名詞 ]

・message 「(電話などにおける)伝言・伝達事項」
・memo 「覚え書き(メモ)」 note 「メモ(短信)」 record 「記録」



4. These two plants are different in almost every way. The only feature they have (      ) is their need for dry soil.

①by chance  ②by nature  ③in common  ④in turn

[ 動詞句・熟語 ]

・have O in common 「Oを共通に持つ」
・by chance 「偶然に」 by nature 「生まれつき、本来」 in turn 「今度は、順番に」



5. Paul left his book at home again. He’s so (      ).

①forgetful  ②forgettable  ③forgetting  ④forgotten

[ 形容詞 ]

・forgetful 「(人が)忘れっぽい」
・forgettable 「忘れてもよい、忘れられがちな」



6. Sarah is always able to answer the teacher’s questions. She is such a (      ) girl.

①dependent  ②lazy  ③shy  ④smart

[ 形容詞 ]

・smart 「賢い」
・dependent 「依存している」 lazy 「怠惰な」 shy 「内気な」



7. “Haven’t you finished that report yet?”

“(      ) me a few more minutes and I’ll get it done.”

①Give  ②Share  ③Take  ④Wait

[ 動詞・文型 ]

・give 「(人)に(時間・機会)を与える」
・動詞の後にme a few more minutesと2つOがある。giveは2つOを取る代表的な動詞。



8. “Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was great! I’m really looking forward (      ) there again sometime.”

①go  ②going  ③to go  ④to going

[ 動名詞・熟語 ]

・look forward to Ving 「~することを楽しみに待つ」 toは前置詞なのでVingが続く。



9. “Is that Italian restaurant next to the bookstore new?”

“No, I think (      ) for more than a year now.”

①it’s been open  ②it’s open  ③it’s opened  ④it was open

[ 時制 ]

・it’s been open = it has been open 現在完了形の継続用法



10. “May I use your phone?” “Sure, (      ). I’m not expecting any calls right now.”

①come about  ②go ahead  ③put it on  ④take it up

[ 動詞句・熟語 ]

・go ahead 「さあ、どうぞ」
・come about 「起こる、生じる」 take up 「取り上げる」



11. It’s a (      ) your wife couldn’t come. I really wanted to meet her.

①harm  ②shame  ③sorrow  ④trouble

[ 名詞 ]

・It’s a shame that~ 「~は残念なことだ」。
・harm 「害」は不可算名詞 ③④は仮主語構文で使えない。





この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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