2015年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2015年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. I’m leaving for Tokyo today on important business and will be back in Osaka ( ) three days.
①at ②by ③in ④to
2. All the trains were canceled yesterday due to deep snow. That’s ( ) I was not able to attend the meeting.
①because ②for ③so ④why
3. We keep many roses throughout the house, so every room ( ).
①is smelled sweet ②is smelled sweetly ③smells sweet ④smells sweetly
4. Let’s take a break now. We ( ) cakes and coffee ready on the table.
①are fixing ②have ③share ④will prepare
5. My teacher always tried to create a learning environment ( ) all students can express themselves freely.
①that ②what ③where ④which
6. Granma said she was still waiting to hear from you. Did you forget ( ) again?
①call her ②having called ③of calling ④to call
7. Even if immigrants work very hard in their new country, they might ( ) it difficult to adapt themselves to the new culture.
①find ②hear ③look ④say
8. Not only ( A ) Margaret plan the trip to New York, but she ( B ) did all the packing for her family.
①A:could B:too ②A:did B:also ③A:does B:also ④A:would B:too
9. The government recognizes that the number of children ( A ) falling on one hand, while life expectancy is increasing ( B ).
①A:are B:on another ②A:are B:on the other ③A:is B:on another ④A:is B:on the other
10. ( A ) the new curriculum, pupils now ( B ) more freedom in choosing what courses to take.
①A:Owing B:benefit ②A:Owing B:enjoy ③A:Owing to B:benefit ④A:Owing to B:enjoy
2. 2015年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 解説
1. I’m leaving for Tokyo today on important business and will be back in Osaka ( ) three days.
①at ②by ③in ④to
・in 「今から~後」 ⇒ この場合のinは「~以内」の意味でないので注意。
2. All the trains were canceled yesterday due to deep snow. That’s ( ) I was not able to attend the meeting.
①because ②for ③so ④why
・that is (the reason) why 「そういうわけで、だから」
・that is because には理由が続く
3. We keep many roses throughout the house, so every room ( ).
①is smelled sweet ②is smelled sweetly ③smells sweet ④smells sweetly
・smell+C 「Cの香りがする、匂いがする」 Cは形容詞なので④の副詞は不可。
4. Let’s take a break now. We ( ) cakes and coffee ready on the table.
①are fixing ②have ③share ④will prepare
・have O C 「OをCにする」 have O ready で「Oを準備する」
5. My teacher always tried to create a learning environment ( ) all students can express themselves freely.
①that ②what ③where ④which
ここではwhere = in which
6. Granma said she was still waiting to hear from you. Did you forget ( ) again?
①call her ②having called ③of calling ④to call
・forget to V 「~するのを忘れる」↔ forget Ving「~したことを忘れる」
7. Even if immigrants work very hard in their new country, they might ( ) it difficult to adapt themselves to the new culture.
①find ②hear ③look ④say
・find+O+C 「OがCであると分かる」
8. Not only ( A ) Margaret plan the trip to New York, but she ( B ) did all the packing for her family.
①A:could B:too ②A:did B:also ③A:does B:also ④A:would B:too
・Not onlyが文頭に来ているため倒置になっていることに注意。
= Margaret not only planned ~ ( B )の後も過去形なので普通に過去形を選択
・「~も」→ too なら文末。
9. The government recognizes that the number of children ( A ) falling on one hand, while life expectancy is increasing ( B ).
①A:are B:on another ②A:are B:on the other ③A:is B:on another ④A:is B:on the other
・the number of +複数名詞 「~の数」→ 主語はthe numberなので単数で受ける
・Bはon one hand とon the other (hand) が1セット。「一方」と「他方」
10. ( A ) the new curriculum, pupils now ( B ) more freedom in choosing what courses to take.
①A:Owing B:benefit ②A:Owing B:enjoy ③A:Owing to B:benefit ④A:Owing to B:enjoy
・owing to ~ 「~のため、~のおかげで」
・enjoy 「~を享受する」 benefit 「~の利益になる」
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)