2002年度 センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説

「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2002年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 問題
1. I want to make a phone call but only have a five-dollar bill. I need some ( ).
①change ②small cash ③little money ④return
2. Tetsuya didn’t hear the doorbell when his visitors arrived, because he ( ) a shower.
①has been taking ②was taking ③took ④has taken
3. “What do you think of Mr. Owen’s proposal for cutting costs in the factory?”
“I like his idea, but I don’t think it will ( ) very well.”
①work ②spend ③match ④come
4. John’s mother wanted to go shopping, so she asked him ( ) his little brother while she was out.
①if he looked after ②he would look after ③looking after ④to look after
5. Our PE teacher, a ( ) professional basketball player, is coaching the school team.
①previous ②late ③once ④former
6. “Is Satoko still writing her research paper?”
“Well, I think she’s ( ) finished it.”
①now and then ②one after another ③more or less ④one by one
7. “Frank drives much too fast. Someday he’ll have a terrible accident.”
“Oh, ( ).”
①I don’t hope so. ②I hope not ③I’m not afraid so ④I’m afraid not.
8. If you ( ) the book you ordered by tomorrow, please let us know.
①wouldn’t receive ②haven’t received ③won’t receive ④didn’t receive
9. Fortunately, bus services are now back to ( ) after yesterday’s strike.
①common ②ordinary ③normal ④regular
10. Social science, ( ) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college.
①studying the subject ②having studied ③the subject I studied ④I have studied
2. 2002年度センター英語第2問A 文法・語法 解説
1. I want to make a phone call but only have a five-dollar bill. I need some ( ).
①change ②small cash ③little money ④return
[ 名詞 ]・change 「小銭」(=small change)
・cash 「現金」 little money 「ごくわずかなお金」 return「お返し」
2. Tetsuya didn’t hear the doorbell when his visitors arrived, because he ( ) a shower.
①has been taking ②was taking ③took ④has taken
[ 時制 ]・過去進行形←過去の一時的に進行中の動作
3. “What do you think of Mr. Owen’s proposal for cutting costs in the factory?”
“I like his idea, but I don’t think it will ( ) very well.”
①work ②spend ③match ④come
[ 動詞 ]・work well 「(計画・方法などが)うまくいく」
4. John’s mother wanted to go shopping, so she asked him ( ) his little brother while she was out.
①if he looked after ②he would look after ③looking after ④to look after
[ 動詞の語法・文型 ]・look after 「面倒を見る」+ask O to V 「OにVするよう頼む」
5. Our PE teacher, a ( ) professional basketball player, is coaching the school team.
①previous ②late ③once ④former
[ 形容詞 ]・former 「かつての」→former は時間的に前(以前の、過去の)
・previous 「かつての」→previous は順番が前(ひとつ前の)
・late, onceは副詞
6. “Is Satoko still writing her research paper?”
“Well, I think she’s ( ) finished it.”
①now and then ②one after another ③more or less ④one by one
[ 副詞句・熟語 ]・more or less 「多かれ少なかれ」 「だいたい」
・now and then 「時々」 one after another 「次々に」 one by one 「ひとつずつ」
「サトコはまだ研究論文を書いているの」 「うーん、だいたい仕上がっていると思うよ」
7. “Frank drives much too fast. Someday he’ll have a terrible accident.”
“Oh, ( ).”
①I don’t hope so. ②I hope not ③I’m not afraid so ④I’m afraid not.
[ 省略・否定・動詞の語法 ]・I hope not = I hope that he will not have a terrible accident. notはthat節の代用
・I don’t hope so. I’m not afraid so. は文法的に不可。
・④I’m afraid not. は語法的は正しいが、「事故を起こさないことを残念に思う」のは変
8. If you ( ) the book you ordered by tomorrow, please let us know.
①wouldn’t receive ②haven’t received ③won’t receive ④didn’t receive
[ 時制 ]・副詞節の中では、未来に完了する動作は現在完了形を使う、
9. Fortunately, bus services are now back to ( ) after yesterday’s strike.
①common ②ordinary ③normal ④regular
[ 形容詞 ]・normal 「正常・常態」
・regular 「常連・正規兵」 (toに続くのでここでは名詞である)
10. Social science, ( ) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college.
①studying the subject ②having studied ③the subject I studied ④I have studied
[ 挿入・同格 ]・the subject I studied 「私が勉強した科目」 。主語Social scienceと同格で補足説明している。
・④は現在完了形なので過去を表す語 (in 1998) と同時に使うことはできない
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)