2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. I’ll look ( ) the train schedule before going to the station, just in case.
①ahead ②back ③down ④up
2. When I tried to play an online game, the computer ( ) not work at all.
①might ②ought ③should ④would
3. You’ll have more job opportunities in the city, but your living ( ) will be higher.
①expenses ②fares ③fees ④rates
4. ( ) how to deal with the situation, they sat in silence waiting for someone to start speaking.
①Confused about ②Considered by ③No knowing ④No telling
5. Vancouver was the largest ( ) the four Canadian cities we visited.
①for ②in ③of ④than
6. Their smiles disappeared after getting directions, ( ) they still had a long way to walk.
①for ②once ③until ④whether
7. I think the new teacher is a bit too strict. ( ) do you think of her?
①How ②What ④Which ④Who
8. His continuous support ( A ) the international trade project ( B ) a failure.
①A: kept B: from being ②A: kept B: to be ③A: made B: from being ④A: made B: to be
9. It will take less time to get to the airport ( A ) the construction of the monorail ( B ) finished.
①A: when B: is ②A: when B: will be ③A: which B: is ④A: which B: will be
10. It can be difficult to ( A ) real leather shoes ( B ) artificial leather ones by their appearance.
①A: say B: from ②A: say B: to ③A: tell B: from ④A: tell B: to
2. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問A 文法・語法 解説
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. I’ll look ( ) the train schedule before going to the station, just in case.
①ahead ②back ③down ④up
【 熟語・動詞句 】
・look up 「調べる」
・look ahead「前方を見る」look back「振り返る」look down「見下ろす」
look up the word in the dictionary「辞書で単語を調べる」がよく使う表現ですね
2. When I tried to play an online game, the computer ( ) not work at all.
①might ②ought ③should ④would
【 助動詞 】
When I tried ~と過去形の文なのでwould単体で過去を表せるwouldが正解。
・選択肢で一番ダメなのはought 。ought to でないと意味を持たない。
・might / should は意味的にも☓だが、時制の一致を除き、基本的に現在(未来)を指すのでそこからも☓
cf. It might rain tonight. 「今夜は雨が降るかも」このmightは未来を表している
3. You’ll have more job opportunities in the city, but your living ( ) will be higher.
①expenses ②fares ③fees ④rates
【 名詞 】
・expense「費用」 living expenses「生活費」
4. ( ) how to deal with the situation, they sat in silence waiting for someone to start speaking.
①Confused about ②Considered by ③No knowing ④No telling
【 分詞構文・分詞形容詞 】
・Confused about は理由を表す分詞構文。 =Because they were confused about
・be confused 「混乱する」
動詞のconfuseは「混乱させる」confused「混乱を受け取る」 / confusing「混乱を与える」はいわゆる分詞形容詞。
5. Vancouver was the largest ( ) the four Canadian cities we visited.
①for ②in ③of ④than
【 比較・前置詞 】
よくある最上級の「~の中で」で in か of を選択する問題。後ろに複数名詞が続く場合はofを使う。
cf. Toronto is the largest city in Canada. 「トロントはカナダ最大の都市だ」
6. Their smiles disappeared after getting directions, ( ) they still had a long way to walk.
①for ②once ③until ④whether
【 接続詞 】
・once「いったん~したら」 until「~まで」 whether「~かどうか」
7. I think the new teacher is a bit too strict. ( ) do you think of her?
①How ②What ④Which ④Who
【 疑問詞 】
cf. How do you go to school? do you go to school? は完全文
cf. What do you like? do you like はlikeの目的語が欠けた不完全文
( ) do you think of her? は完全文か不完全文か分かりづらいが、thinkは他動詞が基本なので不完全文。whatを選択する。
What do you think of her? は以下の2要素から構成される分。
What do you think?「どう思いますか」of her「彼女について」
8. His continuous support ( A ) the international trade project ( B ) a failure.
①A: kept B: from being ②A: kept B: to be ③A: made B: from being ④A: made B: to be
【 動詞句 】
・keep O from Ving「OがVするのを妨げる」定番表現。keepの代わりにpreventでも同じ意味
・make は make O from Ving という使い方はしない。まだ原形不定詞を取るので④のようにto不定詞を取る形もない。
9. It will take less time to get to the airport ( A ) the construction of the monorail ( B ) finished.
①A: when B: is ②A: when B: will be ③A: which B: is ④A: which B: will be
【 接続詞・時制 】
10. It can be difficult to ( A ) real leather shoes ( B ) artificial leather ones by their appearance.
①A: say B: from ②A: say B: to ③A: tell B: from ④A: tell B: to
【 動詞句 】
・tell A from B「AとBを区別する」
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)