旧称 センター英語解く得!

2020年度 センター英語 第4問B 広告文 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 2020年度 センター英語 第4問B 広告文 問題

B 次のページにあるフリーマーケットの出店申請の説明を読み、次の問い(問1〜4)の( 37 )〜( 40 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①〜④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問1 Fran will sell her handmade jewelry on both days. She needs only a small space. How much will it cost?  ( 37 )

①$14 ②$16 ③$18 ④$20

問2 Pat wants to sell some big household items, including a refrigerator, so she needs an outdoor space. What offer can she take advantage of? ( 38 )

①Free assistance in setting up her tent

②Full cash refund due to cancelation

③Selection of the location of her space

④Use of a large truck free of charge

問3 Mark makes herbal soaps and candles. He has chosen an indoor space. Which of the following will he be allowed to do? ( 39 )

①Choose a space close to the sink to get water easily

②Have a bowl of water for customers to try his soaps

③Keep his pet hamsters in a cage at his booth

④Let his customers light some sample candles

問4 Which of the following is true about this flea market? ( 40 )

①People are discouraged from selling items they created.

②People can throw away anything in the same trash can.

③The organizers choose applicants who apply for both days.

④The organizers provide information about schedule updates.


Greenly Fall Flea Market

We are now accepting applications for the Fall Flea Market at Greenly Sports Center! Please bring your used and/or handmade goods. We have only a limited number of spaces and accept applications in order of arrival, so email your application soon. We are a pet-friendly market, but if you are planning to bring your pet, you must apply for an outdoor space. For outdoor spaces, the organizers will help set up tents for no extra charge. Trucks are available for additional fees if you need to transport your goods.

  Saturday, October 3rd
(13:00 – 17:00)
Sunday, October 4th
(10:00 – 15:00)
Indoor space
(2 X 2 meters)
$8 $10
Outdoor space
(4 X 4 meters)
$9 $11

> Water is available for indoor spaces.

>If you apply for both Saturday and Sunday, you’ll get a $2 discount each day.

Keep in Mind

1. Location of the spaces is decided by the organizers. No requests or changes are possible.

2. Any changes in opening and closing times are announced two days in advance.

3. If you cancel your application, 80% of all fees will be refunded.

4. Garbage must be separated and put into the appropriate garbage cans at the end of each day.

5. Fires and open flames are prohibited.



2. 2020年度 センター英語 第4問B 広告文 解説

2-1 第4問B 問1 (37) の解説

問1 Fran will sell her handmade jewelry on both days. She needs only a small space. How much will it cost?  ( 37 )


①$14 ②$16 ③$18 ④$20



  Saturday, October 3rd
(13:00 – 17:00)
Sunday, October 4th
(10:00 – 15:00)
Indoor space
(2 X 2 meters)
$8 $10
Outdoor space
(4 X 4 meters)
$9 $11

> Water is available for indoor spaces.

>If you apply for both Saturday and Sunday, you’ll get a $2 discount each day.

まず、小さいスーペースしか必要ないのでIndoor space。





2-2 第4問B 問2 (38) の解説

問2 Pat wants to sell some big household items, including a refrigerator, so she needs an outdoor space. What offer can she take advantage of? ( 38 )


①Free assistance in setting up her tent


②Full cash refund due to cancelation


③Selection of the location of her space


④Use of a large truck free of charge



For outdoor spaces, the organizers will help set up tents for no extra charge. Trucks are available for additional fees if you need to transport your goods.


②は記述なし。(Keep in Mind の3. からキャンセルすると料金の80%が返金)

③はKeep in Mindの1. に「スペースの場所は主催者によって決められる」とあるので不正解。




2-3 第4問B 問3 (39) の解説

問3 Mark makes herbal soaps and candles. He has chosen an indoor space. Which of the following will he be allowed to do? ( 39 )


①Choose a space close to the sink to get water easily


②Have a bowl of water for customers to try his soaps


③Keep his pet hamsters in a cage at his booth


④Let his customers light some sample candles



> Water is available for indoor spaces.


③は 最初の部分にif you are planning to bring your pet, you must apply for an outdoor space. 「ペットを連れてくる計画なら屋外スペースを申し込まないといけない」とあるので不正解。

④は1番最後に 5. Fires and open flames are prohibited.「焚き火やじか火は禁止されている」とあるので不正解。

2-4 第4問B 問4 (40) の解説

問4 Which of the following is true about this flea market? ( 40 )


①People are discouraged from selling items they created.


②People can throw away anything in the same trash can.


③The organizers choose applicants who apply for both days.


④The organizers provide information about schedule updates.


最後のKeep in Mind の部分に着目する 

1. Location of the spaces is decided by the organizers. No requests or changes are possible.

2. Any changes in opening and closing times are announced two days in advance.

3. If you cancel your application, 80% of all fees will be refunded.

4. Garbage must be separated and put into the appropriate garbage cans at the end of each day.

2. に「開始時間と終了時間のいかなる変更に関しても2日前に通知する」とあるので④が正解。

①は最初の文にPlease bring your used and / or handmade goods. 「中古品と手作りの商品を持ってきてください」とあるので不正解。

②は4. に「ゴミは分別してそれぞれの日の終わりに適切なゴミ箱に入れなければならない」とあるので不正解。

③は第3文に accept applications in order of arrival, 「到着順に申込書を受け付ける」とあるので不正解。



この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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