旧称 センター英語解く得!

2017年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)


1. 2017年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 問題

次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。

1. I could (        ) believe my eyes. I never expected to see him there.
①certainly  ②extremely  ③hardly  ④rarely

2. To recover his strength, the patient was made (        ) his arms above his head many times every day.
①raise  ②rise  ③to raise  ④to rise

3. My daughter does always well in school. That’s why I’m not in the (        ) anxious about her future.
①least  ②less  ③more  ④most

4. You shouldn’t leave your house with (        ) even if the weather is nice.
①open the windows  ②opening the windows  ③the window open  ④the windows opening

5. We were (        ) our energy by the thin air and the steep paths in the high mountains.
①robbed from  ②robbed of  ③stolen from  ④stolen of

6. He was a member of the committee (        ) duty was to choose the winner of the competition.
①that  ②what  ③which  ④whose

7. Hiro broke his lunch box again, so I have to go shopping to get (        ).
①any  ②it  ③one  ④the other

8. ( A ) I discovered today during craft class was ( B ) I really enjoy making jewelry.
①A: That B: that  ②A: That B: what  ③A: What B: that  ④A: What B: what

9. ( A ) of the castles in Japan are crowed with ( B ) young people because of the recent history boom.
①A: Many B: quite a few  ②A: Many B: very few  ③A: Much B: quite a few  ④A: Much B: very few

10. I would ( A ) the movie last night much more if I ( B ) the novel before I saw it.
①A : enjoy B: had read  ②A: enjoy B: read  ③A: have enjoyed B: had read  ④A: have enjoyed B: read



2. 2017年度 センター英語追試 第2問A 文法・語法 解説

1. I could (        ) believe my eyes. I never expected to see him there.
①certainly  ②extremely  ③hardly  ④rarely

hardlyは動詞を修飾して「ほとんど~ない」 believeと合うのはhardlyのみ。
・certainly「確かに」extremely「極めて」 rarely「滅多に~ない」



2. To recover his strength, the patient was made (        ) his arms above his head many times every day.
①raise  ②rise  ③to raise  ④to rise

原形不定詞は受動態にするとto 不定詞になる cf. ◯◯ made the patient raise his arms. (能動態の場合は原形不定詞)

・rise 自動詞 「上がる」 raise 他動詞 「~を上げる」



3. My daughter does always well in school. That’s why I’m not in the (        ) anxious about her future.
①least  ②less  ③more  ④most

・not in the least 「決して~ない」←「最小の中でも~ない」



4. You shouldn’t leave your house with (        ) even if the weather is nice.
①open the windows  ②opening the windows  ③the window open  ④the windows opening

・with O C 「OがCの状態を持って」 付帯状況もとも言われる形
・③openは形容詞で「開いている」 ④のように動詞のopenを進行形にして「開けている」状態を持つことはできない。
・with Vingという形は文法的に不可



5. We were (        ) our energy by the thin air and the steep paths in the high mountains.
①robbed from  ②robbed of  ③stolen from  ④stolen of

・rob O(人) of ~ 「Oから~を奪う」
受け身にするとO(人) is robbed of ~ 「Oが~を奪われる」

・stealの目的語は物なので、受け身にすると物が主語になる cf. My bag was stolen.



6. He was a member of the committee (        ) duty was to choose the winner of the competition.
①that  ②what  ③which  ④whose

・関係代名詞の所有格whoseの問題 whose duty ←its duty



7. Hiro broke his lunch box again, so I have to go shopping to get (        ).
①any  ②it  ③one  ④the other

・名詞の繰り返しを避けるone。one = a lunch box
・it だと it = the lunch box となるのでおかしい。



8. ( A ) I discovered today during craft class was ( B ) I really enjoy making jewelry.
①A: That B: that  ②A: That B: what  ③A: What B: that  ④A: What B: what

・名詞節を作る関係代名詞what と接続詞thatの問題。何れも訳は「~こと」
( A ) I discovered today →discoveredの目的語がない不完全文→what
( B ) I really enjoy making jewelry →何も欠けていない完全文→that



9. ( A ) of the castles in Japan are crowed with ( B ) young people because of the recent history boom.
①A: Many B: quite a few  ②A: Many B: very few  ③A: Much B: quite a few  ④A: Much B: very few

quite a few 「(とても)多くの」 ↔ very few「極めて少ない」



10. I would ( A ) the movie last night much more if I ( B ) the novel before I saw it.
①A : enjoy B: had read  ②A: enjoy B: read  ③A: have enjoyed B: had read  ④A: have enjoyed B: read

・仮定法の問題。last nightやI sawから基準となる時間は過去であることが分かる
仮定法過去完了の公式 If S’ had V’p.p. ~ , S would have Vp.p. ~




この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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