2019年度 センター英語 第2問A 文法・語法 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2019年度 センター英語 第2問A 文法・語法 問題
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. Casey was getting worried because the bus going to the airport was clearly ( ) schedule.
①after ②behind ③late ④slow
2. If you are in a hurry, you should call Double Quick Taxi because they usually come in ( ) time.
①any ②few ③no ④some
3. After ( ) dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store.
①almost ②at most ③most ④mostly
4. We should make the changes to the document quickly as we are ( ) out of time.
①going ②running ③spending ④wasting
5. It was impossible to ( ) everyone’s demands about the new project.
①carry ②complete ③hold ④meet
6. Write a list of everything you need for the camping trip. ( ), you might forget to buy some things.
①As a result ②In addition ③Otherwise ④Therefore
7. Text messaging has become a common ( ) of communication between individuals.
①mean ②meaning ③means ④meant
8. I was ( A ) when I watched the completely ( B ) ending of the movie.
①A: shocked B:surprised ②A: shocked B:surprising ③A: shocking B:surprised ④A: shocking B:surprising
9. ( A ) is no ( B ) the increase in traffic on this highway during holidays.
①A: It B:avoid ②A: It B:avoiding ③A: There B:avoid ④A: There B:avoiding
10. The police officer asked the witness ( A ) the situation as ( B ) as possible.
①A: describing B: accurate ②A: describing B:accurately ③A: to describe B:accurate ④A: to describe B:accurately
2. 2019年度 センター英語 第2問A 文法・語法 解説
次の問い(問1~10)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、問8~10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。
1. Casey was getting worried because the bus going to the airport was clearly ( ) schedule.
①after ②behind ③late ④slow
【 熟語・副詞句 】
・behind schedule 「スケジュールより遅れて」
2. If you are in a hurry, you should call Double Quick Taxi because they usually come in ( ) time.
①any ②few ③no ④some
【 熟語・副詞句 】
・in no time 「すぐに」
もし急いでいるならDouble Quickタクシーを呼んだら?たいていすぐに来るから。
3. After ( ) dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store.
①almost ②at most ③most ④mostly
【 副詞 】
・almost 「ほとんど」→ 「危うく~しそうで」
4. We should make the changes to the document quickly as we are ( ) out of time.
①going ②running ③spending ④wasting
【 熟語・動詞句 】
・run out of time 「時間がなくなる」
・waste time「時間を浪費する」ならOKだが、ここではout of が不要。
5. It was impossible to ( ) everyone’s demands about the new project.
①carry ②complete ③hold ④meet
【 動詞 】
・meet ~ demands 「要求を満たす」
6. Write a list of everything you need for the camping trip. ( ), you might forget to buy some things.
①As a result ②In addition ③Otherwise ④Therefore
【 接続副詞 】
・otherwise 「さもなければ」
・as a result「結果として」 in addition「更に」 therefore「従って」
otherwise については以下の記事に詳しいです。
7. Text messaging has become a common ( ) of communication between individuals.
①mean ②meaning ③means ④meant
・means 「手段」 mean「意味する」 meaning「意味」
【 名詞 】
8. I was ( A ) when I watched the completely ( B ) ending of the movie.
①A: shocked B:surprised ②A: shocked B:surprising ③A: shocking B:surprised ④A: shocking B:surprising
【 分詞 】
・shocked 「(人が)衝撃を受け取る」 surprising 「(物が)驚きを与える」
9. ( A ) is no ( B ) the increase in traffic on this highway during holidays.
①A: It B:avoid ②A: It B:avoiding ③A: There B:avoid ④A: There B:avoiding
【 動名詞 】
・there is no Ving 「Vすることはできない」
10. The police officer asked the witness ( A ) the situation as ( B ) as possible.
①A: describing B: accurate ②A: describing B:accurately ③A: to describe B:accurate ④A: to describe B:accurately
【 不定詞・動詞・副詞 】
・ask O to V 「OにVするよう頼む」
5. YouTubeの「2019年センター英語本試験 2A 文法・語法」はこちら
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)