2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 問題
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。
Mark: Our psychology class today was definitely the most difficult so far.
Jennifer: Yeah, I agree. But last week I found a website that explains the content of our textbook.
Mark: Really? Tell me more. I’m worried I won’t be able to do well on the test.
Jennifer: I’ll send you the address. I think it covers all the important points from our textbook. ( ) It’s really useful. Don’t worry. We’ll be fine!
【 (A) I failed to / (B) I managed to 】→
【 (A) keep up with today’s lecture / (B) pass the final exam 】→
【 (A) thanks to the textbook. / (B) thanks to the website.】
Satomi: I went to that new restaurant last week. The food was great, the staff were friendly, and the atmosphere was wonderful. You should go.
George: Actually, I went there yesterday. I thought the food was good, too. Unfortunately, there were some noisy children running around near our table.
Satomi: Really? That would be annoying.
George: ( ) when their parents finally did.
【 (A) I was about to / (B) It was about to 】→
【 (A) tell the children / (B) tell the staff 】→
【 (A) to be noisy. / (B) to be quiet 】
Gwen: Hi, Keiko. This is Gwen. The entrance security system isn’t reading my ID card, so I can’t get into the office.
Keiko: Are you using the new card given to us at last week’s meeting?
Gwen: I wasn’t there because I was away on business.
Keiko: Oh, that’s right. ( ) I’ll be right there.
【 (A) I should have emailed you / (B) I would have emailed you 】→
【 (A) that you can get in / (B) that you can’t get in 】→
【 (A) without the new card. / (B) without the old card. 】
2. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第2問C 会話完成 解答・解説
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。
Mark: Our psychology class today was definitely the most difficult so far.
Jennifer: Yeah, I agree. But last week I found a website that explains the content of our textbook.
Mark: Really? Tell me more. I’m worried I won’t be able to do well on the test.
Jennifer: I’ll send you the address. I think it covers all the important points from our textbook. ( ) It’s really useful. Don’t worry. We’ll be fine!
【 (A) I failed to / (B) I managed to 】→
【 (A) keep up with today’s lecture / (B) pass the final exam 】→
【 (A) thanks to the textbook. / (B) thanks to the website.】
【 状況 】
3つ目の選択肢はthanks to ~「~のおかげで」とあるので、話題になっているのは(B)のウェブサイトのはず。
2つ目の選択肢。最終試験はまだのはずだから (A) の今日の講義に関する話のはず。
・keep up with ~「~に遅れずについていく」
1つめの選択肢。肯定的な表現と否定的な表現だが、ウェブサイトのおかげで遅れずについていけたはずだから、肯定的なmanage to Vが入る。
・manage to V 「(なんとか)Vする、Vできる」
・fail to V「Vしない、Vできない」
[ 解答 ]
I managed to keep up with today’s lecture thanks to the website.
Satomi: I went to that new restaurant last week. The food was great, the staff were friendly, and the atmosphere was wonderful. You should go.
George: Actually, I went there yesterday. I thought the food was good, too. Unfortunately, there were some noisy children running around near our table.
Satomi: Really? That would be annoying.
George: ( ) when their parents finally did.
【 (A) I was about to / (B) It was about to 】→
【 (A) tell the children / (B) tell the staff 】→
【 (A) to be noisy. / (B) to be quiet 】
【 状況 】
・be about to V「まさにVしようとしている」
・tell 人 to V「人にVするよう言う」
[ 解答 ]
I was about to tell the children to be quiet when their parents finally did.
Gwen: Hi, Keiko. This is Gwen. The entrance security system isn’t reading my ID card, so I can’t get into the office.
Keiko: Are you using the new card given to us at last week’s meeting?
Gwen: I wasn’t there because I was away on business.
Keiko: Oh, that’s right. ( ) I’ll be right there.
【 (A) I should have emailed you / (B) I would have emailed you 】→
【 (A) that you can get in / (B) that you can’t get in 】→
【 (A) without the new card. / (B) without the old card. 】
【 状況 】
・1つ目の選択肢は(A)の「あなたに電子メールを送るべきだった (のにしなかった)」と考えれば辻褄があう。
[ 解答 ]
I should have emailed you that you can’t get in without the new card.
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)