旧称 センター英語解く得!

2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第4問A 図表読み取り 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)


1. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第4問A 図表読み取り 問題

A 次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章と表を読み、下の問い(問1~4)の( 3336 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

 When we sing or listen to music, our actions are often accompanied by movement. However, until recently, few researchers had looked closely at this relationship. To explore this, a group of researchers at a Belgian university focused on one type of movement, walking, and examined whether people could match their walking tempo with the tempo of music.

 In the study, the researchers asked 20 participants to match their walking tempo to sound fragments presented in two sets. Each set consisted of 34 musical fragments with a length of 1 minute each and 6 metronome fragments with a length of 30 seconds each. The tempo of the fragments ranged from 50 BPM (beats per minute) to 190 BPM. The participants used a portable music player to listen to the fragments through headphones. The researchers recorded the walking tempo (the number of steps taken per minute) with a small recorder attached to one of the shoes worn by each participant. The participants were instructed to start walking at the tempo they perceived as each fragment began and to continue walking at that tempo. There was a short pause after each fragment. During each pause, they had to stop and wait for the next fragment.

 As Table 1 shows, in most cases, the participants walked at the same tempo as the fragment (Equal). In other cases, the participants walked at twice the tempo (Double), at half the tempo (Half), or at a quarter of the tempo (Quarter). All of these four were considered to have matched the tempo. The researchers found that there were more cases where the participants’ walking tempo matched the tempo of the metronome fragments than the musical fragments. Furthermore, they looked at cases where the walking tempo did not match the tempo of the musical fragments. They found that between 106 BPM and 130 BPM, there were fewer of these cases than at faster or slower BPMs.

Table 1
Percentage of Matched and Unmatched Walking Tempo

  Equal Double Half Quarter Unmatched
Musical fragments 69.80 3.60 11.20 0.30 15.10
Metronome fragments 88.80 0.80 3.80 ―  6.70

 Based on the results, the researchers suggested that people most easily match their walking tempo with the tempo of music when it is about 120 BPM. In the next section, research that examined whether the type of music affected the walking tempo will be discussed.
(Frederik Styns他(2007) Walking on Musicの一部を参考に作成。データは原文のまま。)

問1 The study required the participants to ( 33 ).

①listen to the fragments through public loudspeakers
②pause the recorder briefly after each fragment
③replay each set of fragments before beginning to walk
④stay still for a short period between each fragment

問2 According to Table 1, the participants  ( 34 ).

①failed to match the tempo of the music in about 15% of cases
②failed to walk at the tempo for metronome fragments more than musical ones
③walked at a quarter of the music tempo in about 30 % of cases
④walked at double the tempo more than at half the tempo for metronome fragments

問3 The researchers found that there were more cases where the participants walked ( 35 ).

①at double the tempo than at half the tempo for musical and metronome fragments
②at the tempo equal to the BPM for musical fragments than for metronome ones
③with the tempo of music between 106 BPM and 130 BPM than at the other BPMs
④with the tempo when instructed to do so than when they were not

問4 What topic is most likely to follow the last paragraph? ( 36 ).

①A discussion of the type of metronome BPM used in this study
②A report investigating the effect of music preference on walking tempo
③A study examining walking tempo to different kinds of music
④An analysis of the effect of walking tempo on the selection of music



  2. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第4問A 図表読み取り 解説



 When we sing or listen to music, our actions are often accompanied by movement. However, until recently, few researchers had looked closely at this relationship. To explore this, a group of researchers at a Belgian university focused on one type of movement, walking, and examined whether people could match their walking tempo with the tempo of music.





第4問A 問1 (33)の解説

問1 The study required the participants to ( 33 ).

①listen to the fragments through public loudspeakers  公共の拡声器を通して(音楽の)断片を聞く
②pause the recorder briefly after each fragment  各断片の後は少しレコーダーを止める
③replay each set of fragments before beginning to walk  歩き始める前にそれぞれの断片のセットを再生する
④stay still for a short period between each fragment  それぞれの断片と断片の間の短い時間じっとしたままでいる

 In the study, the researchers asked 20 participants to match their walking tempo to sound fragments presented in two sets. Each set consisted of 34 musical fragments with a length of 1 minute each and 6 metronome fragments with a length of 30 seconds each. The tempo of the fragments ranged from 50 BPM (beats per minute) to 190 BPM. The participants used a portable music player to listen to the fragments through headphones. The researchers recorded the walking tempo (the number of steps taken per minute) with a small recorder attached to one of the shoes worn by each participant. The participants were instructed to start walking at the tempo they perceived as each fragment began and to continue walking at that tempo. There was a short pause after each fragment. During each pause, they had to stop and wait for the next fragment.








第4問A 問2 (34)の解説 


問2 According to Table 1, the participants  ( 34 ).

①failed to match the tempo of the music in about 15% of cases


②failed to walk at the tempo for metronome fragments more than musical ones


③walked at a quarter of the music tempo in about 30 % of cases


④walked at double the tempo more than at half the tempo for metronome fragments


Table 1
Percentage of Matched and Unmatched Walking Tempo

  Equal Double Half Quarter Unmatched
Musical fragments 69.80 3.60 11.20 0.30 15.10
Metronome fragments 88.80 0.80 3.80 ―  6.70

①はTable1 のMusical fragments を見ると Unmatched が15.10とあるのでこれが正解。






第4問A 問3 (35)の解説

問3 The researchers found that there were more cases where the participants walked ( 35 ).

①at double the tempo than at half the tempo for musical and metronome fragments


②at the tempo equal to the BPM for musical fragments than for metronome ones


③with the tempo of music between 106 BPM and 130 BPM than at the other BPMs


④with the tempo when instructed to do so than when they were not



 As Table 1 shows, in most cases, the participants walked at the same tempo as the fragment (Equal). In other cases, the participants walked at twice the tempo (Double), at half the tempo (Half), or at a quarter of the tempo (Quarter). All of these four were considered to have matched the tempo. The researchers found that there were more cases where the participants’ walking tempo matched the tempo of the metronome fragments than the musical fragments. Furthermore, they looked at cases where the walking tempo did not match the tempo of the musical fragments. They found that between 106 BPM and 130 BPM, there were fewer of these cases than at faster or slower BPMs.












第4問A 問4 (36)の解説


問4 What topic is most likely to follow the last paragraph? ( 36 ).

①A discussion of the type of metronome BPM used in this study


②A report investigating the effect of music preference on walking tempo


③A study examining walking tempo to different kinds of music


④An analysis of the effect of walking tempo on the selection of music



 Based on the results, the researchers suggested that people most easily match their walking tempo with the tempo of music when it is about 120 BPM. In the next section, research that examined whether the type of music affected the walking tempo will be discussed.




④はひっかけ。effect of A on B は「AがBに与える影響」。the effect of the selection of music on walking tempo なら正解になる。



この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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