旧称 センター英語解く得!

2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第3問A 不要文削除 問題&解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)


1. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第3問A 不要文削除 問題

1-1 問1

 Silence is more than the lack of sound; it is a vital part of communication. It can show any number of emotions and feelings, including insecurity, familiarity, and superiority. Just like the spoken word, it fulfills the basic functions of language. ①Where it does so most is in the relationships between people. Sometimes, silence is associated with the negative actions of communication and implies anxiety. ②However, it also speaks of friendship, love, and security for people. Good friends can be together and be silent. Another important thing that silence communicates is power. ③It has been used throughout history as a globally accepted sign of one’s good will. Those who are in authority can control speech and silence. ④Some people must remain silent before authority to show their obedience.

1-2 問2

 Why don’t we pay a little more attention to our breathing? Breathing slowly and deeply helps us take in more oxygen. ①According to one study, doing slow breathing exercises, even for a short time, increases oxygen consumption by 37%. Some researchers suggest that slow breathing activates parts of the brain that reduce anxiety. ②Slow breathing could also be a simple solution when people have trouble sleeping. ③With slow, controlled breathing before going to bed, people wake up fewer times during the night. ④When doing slow breathing exercises, we should sit in positions that are comfortable. Several further studies have shown that a nose-breathing technique from yoga can have a lasting effect on reducing one’s blood pressure. We should realize the potential benefits in our unconscious behavior.

1-3 問3

 The size of your vocabulary is a measure of what psychologists call your verbal intelligence. A psychologist in Canada found links between one’s verbal intelligence and the habit of deliberating past problems: The more words you know, the more likely you will be a worrier. ①Human beings express their feelings and emotions to each other through the medium of language. ②People with high verbal intelligence are better able to remember the details of previous experiences and think them through repeatedly. ③A high number of words in your vocabulary bank means you won’t forget about or ignore possible troubles. ④We tend to believe that as the number of words we know increases, our lives will become better. Verbal intelligence, however, seems to be both a blessing and a curse at the same time.




2. 2019年度 センター英語 追試験 第3問A 不要文削除 解説

【 不要文削除問題の解き方 】


2-1 第3問A 問1の解説

 Silence is more than the lack of sound; it is a vital part of communication. It can show any number of emotions and feelings, including insecurity, familiarity, and superiority. Just like the spoken word, it fulfills the basic functions of language. ①Where it does so most is in the relationships between people. Sometimes, silence is associated with the negative actions of communication and implies anxiety. ②However, it also speaks of friendship, love, and security for people. Good friends can be together and be silent. Another important thing that silence communicates is power. ③It has been used throughout history as a globally accepted sign of one’s good will. Those who are in authority can control speech and silence. ④Some people must remain silent before authority to show their obedience.














2-2 第3問A 問2の解説

 Why don’t we pay a little more attention to our breathing? Breathing slowly and deeply helps us take in more oxygen. ①According to one study, doing slow breathing exercises, even for a short time, increases oxygen consumption by 37%. Some researchers suggest that slow breathing activates parts of the brain that reduce anxiety. ②Slow breathing could also be a simple solution when people have trouble sleeping. ③With slow, controlled breathing before going to bed, people wake up fewer times during the night. ④When doing slow breathing exercises, we should sit in positions that are comfortable. Several further studies have shown that a nose-breathing technique from yoga can have a lasting effect on reducing one’s blood pressure. We should realize the potential benefits in our unconscious behavior.


文の主題=呼吸 (特にゆっくり深く呼吸すること) の効用








2-3 第3問A 問3の解説

 The size of your vocabulary is a measure of what psychologists call your verbal intelligence. A psychologist in Canada found links between one’s verbal intelligence and the habit of deliberating past problems: The more words you know, the more likely you will be a worrier. ①Human beings express their feelings and emotions to each other through the medium of language. ②People with high verbal intelligence are better able to remember the details of previous experiences and think them through repeatedly.A high number of words in your vocabulary bank means you won’t forget about or ignore possible troubles.We tend to believe that as the number of words we know increases, our lives will become better. Verbal intelligence, however, seems to be both a blessing and a curse at the same time.












この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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