旧称 センター英語解く得!

【共通テスト 英語 試行テスト】H29年(2017年) 第2問 問題と詳しい解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第2問A ー 問題

A You are traveling abroad and trying to find places to eat on the Internet. The following are reviews of some restaurants written by people who have visited them.

★★★★☆ by Boots (3 weeks ago)
Best choice: cha-shu noodles. Cheap, crowded & lots of noise. Very casual. Felt rushed while eating. Open 5 p.m. – 6 a.m.

★★★☆☆ by Carrie (2 weeks ago)
Was in the mood for variety, and Annie’s Kitchen did NOT disappoint. The menu is 13 wonderful pages long with food from around the world. Actually, I spent 25 minutes just reading the menu. Unfortunately, the service was very slow. The chef’s meal-of-the-day was great, but prices are a little high for this casual style of restaurant.

★★★☆☆ by Mason (2 days ago)
The perfect choice when you want to eat a lot. But you might need to wait for a bit.

★★★★★ by Roosevelt (5 days ago)
For a steak fan, this is the best! The chef prepares steak dishes to suit any customer’s taste. My favorite was the Cowboy Plate— perfect!

★☆☆☆☆ by Ken-chan (2 weeks ago)
Sadly, below average, so won’t be going back again. The steak was cooked too long! The fish dishes were also disappointing.


問1 You would most likely visit Shiro’s Ramen when you ( 6 ).

①are looking for a quiet place to have a conversation

②have an empty stomach at midnight

③need to have a formal meal

④want to have a casual lunch

問2 You would most likely visit Annie’s Kitchen when you ( 7 ).

①feel like eating outdoors

②have lots of free time

③must have a quick breakfast

④want to have cheap dishes

問3 The opinions about Johnny’s Hutt were all ( 8 ).

①different ②favorable ③negative ④neutral

問4 Based on the reviews, which of the following are facts, not personal opinions? (You may choose more than one option.) ( 9 )

①Annie’s Kitchen offers dishes from many countries.

②Johnny’s Hutt is less crowded than Shiro’s Ramen.

③Johnny’s Hutt serves some fish dishes.

④The chef at Johnny’s Hutt is good at his job.

⑤The chef ’s meal-of-the-day is the best at Annie’s Kitchen.

⑥The menu at Annie’s Kitchen is wonderful.



2. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第2問B ー 問題

B You are going to have a debate about students working part-time. In order to prepare for the debate, your group is reading the article below.

Students and Part-Time Jobs

According to a recent survey, about 70% of Japanese high school and university students have worked part-time. The survey also reports that students have part-time jobs because they need money for going out with their friends, buying clothes, and helping their families financially. Even with such common reasons, we should consider the following question: Is it good or bad for students to work part-time?

Some people believe that students learn several things from working part-time. They come to understand the importance and difficulty of working as well as the value of money. Moreover, they learn how to get along with people. Students can improve their communication skills and gain confidence.

Others think that there are negative points about students working part-time. First, it may harm their studies. Students who work too hard are so tired during class that they might receive poor grades in school. Second, it seems difficult for students to balance work and school. This could cause stress. Third, students may develop negative views of work itself by working too much. They may become less motivated to work hard after graduation.

What do you think? In my view, part-time work is not always bad for students. My point is that students shouldn’t do too much part-time work. Research suggests that if students work part-time over 20 hours a week, they will probably have some of the negative experiences mentioned above.


問1 In the survey mentioned in the article, the students were asked, “( 10 )”

①Have you ever worked part-time abroad?

②How much money per week do you make working part-time?

③What kind of part-time jobs would be good for you?

④Why do you work part-time?

問2 Your group wants to collect opinions supporting students working part-time. One such opinion in the article is that students ( 11 ).

①can become good communicators

②mostly have worked part-time

③will have a better chance of getting a full-time job

④will learn how to dress appropriately

問3 Your group wants to collect opinions opposing students working part-time. One such opinion in the article is that students ( 12 ).

①cannot be helpful in the workplace

②might perform poorly in class

③should spend more time with their family

④work part-time to buy what they want

問4 If students work over 20 hours a week, they may ( 13 ).

①begin to feel they need a well-paid job

②continue to work hard at part-time jobs

③lose interest in working hard after leaving school

④want to be independent of their families

問5 The writer of this article ( 14 ) students working part-time.

①does not have any particular opinion about

②partly agrees with

③strongly agrees with

④strongly disagrees with



3. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第2問解答と正解率

問題番号 設問 解答番号 正解 正答率
第2問 A 1 6 2 37.2%
A 2 7 2 78.3%
A 3 8 1 74.9%
A 4 9 1,3 (*1) 14.0%
B 1 10 4 61.1%
B 2 11 1 76.4%
B 3 12 2 72.0%
B 4 13 3 74.8%
B 5 14 2 59.6%



4. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第2問A ー 解答、解説

2A 問1の解答、解説

問1 You would most likely visit Shiro’s Ramen when you ( 6 ).

あなたは ( 6 )時、シローズ ラーメンを訪れる可能性がかなり高い。

①are looking for a quiet place to have a conversation 会話をするための静かな場所を探している

②have an empty stomach at midnight 真夜中におなかがすいている

③need to have a formal meal フォーマルな食事をする必要がある

④want to have a casual lunch カジュアルな昼食をとりたい



★★★★☆ by Boots (3 weeks ago)
Best choice: cha-shu noodles. Cheap, crowded & lots of noise. Very casual. Felt rushed while eating. Open 5 p.m. – 6 a.m.

①lots of noise とあるので不正解。 
③casual とあるので不正解

2A 問2の解答、解説

問2 You would most likely visit Annie’s Kitchen when you ( 7 ).

あなたは( 7 )時、アニーズ・キッチンを訪れる可能性がかなり高い。

①feel like eating outdoors 屋外で食事がしたい

②have lots of free time 空き時間がたくさんある

③must have a quick breakfast 素早く朝食をとらなければならない

④want to have cheap dishes 安い料理を食べたい

★★★☆☆ by Carrie (2 weeks ago)
Was in the mood for variety, and Annie’s Kitchen did NOT disappoint. The menu is 13 wonderful pages long with food from around the world. Actually, I spent 25 minutes just reading the menu. Unfortunately, the service was very slow. The chef’s meal-of-the-day was great, but prices are a little high for this casual style of restaurant.

②the service was very slow. とあるのでこれが正解。
④prices are  a little high とあるので不正解。

2A 問3の解答、解説

問3 The opinions about Johnny’s Hutt were all ( 8 ).

ジョニーズ・ハットについての意見はすべて(8 )ものだった。

①different 異なる ②favorable 好意的な ③negative否定的な ④neutral 中立の

★★★☆☆ by Mason (2 days ago)
The perfect choice when you want to eat a lot. But you might need to wait for a bit.

★★★★★ by Roosevelt (5 days ago)
For a steak fan, this is the best! The chef prepares steak dishes to suit any customer’s taste. My favorite was the Cowboy Plate— perfect!

★☆☆☆☆ by Ken-chan (2 weeks ago)
Sadly, below average, so won’t be going back again. The steak was cooked too long! The fish dishes were also disappointing.


内容を見てもMasonはプラス評価とマイナス評価、Roosevelt はプラス評価、Ken-chanはマイナス評価。


2A 問4の解答、解説

問4 Based on the reviews, which of the following are facts, not personal opinions? (You may choose more than one option.) ( 9 )

レビューに基づくと、次のうちどれが個人的な意見ではなく事実か? (複数の選択肢を選んでもよい)

①Annie’s Kitchen offers dishes from many countries.


②Johnny’s Hutt is less crowded than Shiro’s Ramen.


③Johnny’s Hutt serves some fish dishes.


④The chef at Johnny’s Hutt is good at his job.


⑤The chef ’s meal-of-the-day is the best at Annie’s Kitchen.


⑥The menu at Annie’s Kitchen is wonderful.





本文には The menu is 13 wonderful pages long with food from around the world. とありメニューには13ページに渡り世界の料理が記載されているので、やはり事実。



Ken-chanのレビューに The fish dishes were also disappointing. とあるので複数の魚を提供しているのが分かる。よってこれも正解になります。

④good は個人の意見なので不正解。 
⑤best は個人の意見なので不正解。
⑥wonderful は個人の意見なので不正解。






5. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第2問B ー 解答、解説


2B 問1の解答、解説

問1 In the survey mentioned in the article, the students were asked, “( 10 )”

この記事で述べられている調査で、学生は( 10 )と尋ねられた。

①Have you ever worked part-time abroad?


②How much money per week do you make working part-time?


③What kind of part-time jobs would be good for you?


④Why do you work part-time?



第一段落を見ると、学生がアルバイトをする理由がbecause 以下に書かれているので④が正解。

According to a recent survey, about 70% of Japanese high school and university students have worked part-time. The survey also reports that students have part-time jobs because they need money for going out with their friends, buying clothes, and helping their families financially. Even with such common reasons, we should consider the following question: Is it good or bad for students to work part-time?


2B 問2の解答、解説

問2 Your group wants to collect opinions supporting students working part-time. One such opinion in the article is that students ( 11 ).

あなたのグループは、アルバイトをしている学生に賛成する意見を収集したいと思っている。この記事の中でそのような意見の一つは、学生は( 11 )ということである。

①can become good communicators


②mostly have worked part-time


③will have a better chance of getting a full-time job


④will learn how to dress appropriately





第2段落はSome で始まっていて、第3段落はOhters で始まっている。Some…Others〜は「…な人もいれば〜な人もいる」という定型表現。


Some people believe that students learn several things from working part-time. They come to understand the importance and difficulty of working as well as the value of money. Moreover, they learn how to get along with people. Students can improve their communication skills and gain confidence.

①は Moreover 以下に「学生は人とうまく付き合う方法を学び、コニュニケーション能力を向上させる事ができる」とあるのでこれが正解。



2B 問3の解答、解説

問3 Your group wants to collect opinions opposing students working part-time. One such opinion in the article is that students ( 12 ).

あなたのグループは、アルバイトをしている学生に反対する意見を集めたいと思っている。記事の中でそのような意見の一つは、学生は( 12 )ということである。

①cannot be helpful in the workplace 職場では役に立たない

②might perform poorly in class 授業での成績が悪いかもしれない

③should spend more time with their family 家族とより多くの時間を過ごすべきである

④work part-time to buy what they want 彼らが欲しいものを買うためにアルバイトをする



Others think that there are negative points about students working part-time. First, it may harm their studies. Students who work too hard are so tired during class that they might receive poor grades in school. Second, it seems difficult for students to balance work and school. This could cause stress. Third, students may develop negative views of work itself by working too much. They may become less motivated to work hard after graduation.

学生がアルバイトをする事によるマイナスポイントを First, Second, Third, で分かりやすく列挙しています。




2B 問4の解答、解説

問4 If students work over 20 hours a week, they may ( 13 ).

学生が週20時間以上働いたら、彼らは( 13 )かもしれない。

①begin to feel they need a well-paid job 給料の良い仕事が必要だと感じ始める

②continue to work hard at part-time jobs アルバイトで熱心に働き続ける

③lose interest in working hard after leaving school 学校を卒業したあとに一生懸命働くことに興味を失う

④want to be independent of their families 家族から独立したいと思う


work over 20 hours a weekに関しては最終段落の下から2行目に記述が見つかります。

What do you think? In my view, part-time work is not always bad for students. My point is that students shouldn’t do too much part-time work. Research suggests that if students work part-time over 20 hours a week, they will probably have some of the negative experiences mentioned above.


マイナスポイント1 成績が下がる
マイナスポイント2 ストレスになる
マイナスポイント 3 働き過ぎると仕事に否定的な見方をするようになり、卒業後に仕事をするモチベーションが下がる。



選択肢③の”lose interest in working”は本文の”become less motivated to work”を言い換えたものですね 



2B 問5の解答、解説

問5 The writer of this article ( 14 ) students working part-time.

この記事の筆者はアルバイトをしている学生について(14 )

①does not have any particular opinion about 特に意見がない

②partly agrees with 部分的に同意している

③strongly agrees with 強く同意している

④strongly disagrees with 強く反対している


第1段落から第3段落までは調査をまとめたもので筆者の意見はありません。筆者の意見は最終段落の”In my view“「私の意見では」以下で明かになります。

What do you think? In my view, part-time work is not always bad for students. My point is that students shouldn’t do too much part-time work.



not 〜always は部分否定。「いつも〜とは限らない、必ずしも〜という訳ではない」という意味です。



この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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