旧称 センター英語解く得!

【共通テスト 英語 試行テスト】H29年(2017年) 第1問 問題と詳しい解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第1問A ー 問題

A You are planning to go to an amusement park in Hong Kong. You are looking at its webpage.

Blue Stone Hong Kong

This webpage will help you find the best dates to visit Blue Stone Amusement Park.

What’s New
 A new show titled “Pirates’ Adventure” will start on November 13.

Crowd Calendar
 On the following calendar, you can see the opening and closing times, and the crowd levels. The percentage in each box is an estimate of the number of people expected to be in the park. The maximum, 100%, is shown by the face icon. The percentage is calculated automatically based on advance ticket sales and past data.
 On the days with the face icon, entrance to the park will be difficult. Visitors without an advance ticket may have to wait at the entrance gate for a long time. Advance tickets are only available online one week ahead.
 By clicking each date on the calendar, you can see detailed information about the average waiting time for each attraction.


問1 If you go to the park on November 13 without an advance ticket, at the entrance gate you will probably ( 1 ).

①go straight in

②have to pay 55% more to enter

③have to show your parking ticket

④stand in a long line

問2 When you click the dates on the calendar, you will find information about ( 2 ).

①how long visitors have to wait for the attractions

②the cost of the advance tickets for the attractions

③the food and drinks at various park restaurants

④where visitors can park their cars at Blue Stone



2. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第1問B ー 問題

B You are visiting a Japanese university during its open campus day. You have found a poster about an interesting event.  

The Holiday Planning Research Club HPRC

Open Campus Event

HPRC Meeting for High School Students

What is the HPRC?

One of the greatest parts of university life is the lovely long holiday breaks. The Holiday Planning Research Club(HPRC)is run by Japanese and international students. Our club welcomes students from all years and from every department. Our purpose is to help each other make interesting holiday plans.

Date: Saturday, October 27 from 2:00 until 3:30 p.m.

Place: The Independent Learning Center

Event: Four students will tell you about their own recent experiences during their vacations. See the table below for outlines of the presentations.

Speaker Description Location

1. Mary MacDonald

Department of Agriculture

* Did hard work in rice and vegetable fields
*No cost to live with a host family
A farm in Ishikawa Prefecture

2. Fumihiro Shimazu

Department of Japanese
Language and Culture

* Prepared teaching materials for a Japanese language teacher
* Paid his own airfare and insurance
A primary school in Cambodia

3. Risa Nishiura

Department of Tourism

* Assisted foreign chefs with cooking and translation
* Good pay

A Spanish restaurant in Tokyo

4. Hiroki Kobayashi

Department of Education

* Taught judo
* Free airfare and room

A junior Olympic training camp in Bulgaria

Message for University Students

Join Us as a Speaker at the December HPRC Meeting!

You have a total of 12 minutes. Your talk, in English, should be about 8 minutes. Please prepare slides with photos. After each talk, there is a 4-minute question period and the audience usually asks lots of questions. You can get more information on our website (http://www.hprc-student.net/ ).

問1 The HPRC is organized and led by ( 3 ).

①NGO staff ②students ③teachers ④university staff

問2 You can learn from each of the four speakers about  ( 4 ).

①interesting courses in different departments of the university

②low-cost trips to other countries in the world

③outside-of-class experiences during university breaks

④volunteer work with children in developing countries

問3 At the December meeting, the HPRC speakers should ( 5 ).

①be ready to answer questions

②put their speech scripts on the website

③speak in English and Japanese

④talk for about 20 minutes



3. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第1問解答と正解率

問題番号 設問 解答番号 正解 正答率
第1問 A 1 1 4 84.8%
A 2 2 1 86.1%
B 1 3 2 91.8%
B 2 4 3 58.7%
B 3 5 1 68.5%


4. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第1問A ー 解答、解説

1A 問1の解答、解説

問1 If you go to the park on November 13 without an advance ticket, at the entrance gate you will probably ( 1 ).

11月13日に前売り券を持たずにで遊園地に行くと、おそらく入場門付近で ( 1 )だろう。

①go straight in 直進する

②have to pay 55% more to enter 入場するためにさらに55%多く支払わなければならない

③have to show your parking ticket 駐車券を見せなければならない

④stand in a long line 長い列に並ぶ



Crowd Calendar
 On the following calendar, you can see the opening and closing times, and the crowd levels. The percentage in each box is an estimate of the number of people expected to be in the park. The maximum, 100%, is shown by the face icon. The percentage is calculated automatically based on advance ticket sales and past data.
 On the days with the face icon, entrance to the park will be difficult. Visitors without an advance ticket may have to wait at the entrance gate for a long time. Advance tickets are only available online one week ahead.
 By clicking each date on the calendar, you can see detailed information about the average waiting time for each attraction.


下の表のタイトルは Crowd Calendar「混雑カレンダー」とありますが、本文のCrowd Calendarの2行目から具体的な内容が書かれています。






1A 問2の解答、解説

問2 When you click the dates on the calendar, you will find information about ( 2 ).

カレンダー上の日付をクリックすると、あなたは( 2 )に関する情報を見つける。

①how long visitors have to wait for the attractions


②the cost of the advance tickets for the attractions


③the food and drinks at various park restaurants


④where visitors can park their cars at Blue Stone



カレンダー上日付をクリックする事に関しては本文 Crowd Calendar の後半部分にあります。

By clicking each date on the calendar, you can see detailed information about the average waiting time for each attraction.





5. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H29年実施 第1問B ー 解答、解説

1B 問1の解答、解説

問1 The HPRC is organized and led by ( 3 ).

①NGO staff ②students ③teachers ④university staff

HPRCは、( 3 )によって組織され、主導されている。

①NGO職員 ②学生 ③教師 ④大学職員


What is the HPRC?

One of the greatest parts of university life is the lovely long holiday breaks. The Holiday Planning Research Club(HPRC)is run by Japanese and international students.

「HPRCは日本人学生および国際の学生 (ここでは留学生の事) により運営されているとあるので②が正解です。



1B 問2の解答、解説

問2 You can learn from each of the four speakers about  ( 4 ).

あなたは( 4 )について4人の講演者それぞれから学ぶことができる。

①interesting courses in different departments of the university


②low-cost trips to other countries in the world


③outside-of-class experiences during university breaks


④volunteer work with children in developing countries



いかにも表の読み取り問題ですが、実際は表の直前にある Event を読めば解けてしまいます。

Event: Four students will tell you about their own recent experiences during their vacations. See the table below for outlines of the presentations.



選択肢の「授業外」が少し気になったら表の Location を見ればどこも大学ではない事がわかります。

1B 問3の解答、解説

問3 At the December meeting, the HPRC speakers should ( 5 ).

12月の会議で、HPRCの講演者は( 5 )べきだ

①be ready to answer questions


②put their speech scripts on the website


③speak in English and Japanese


④talk for about 20 minutes




Join Us as a Speaker at the December HPRC Meeting!

You have a total of 12 minutes. Your talk, in English, should be about 8 minutes. Please prepare slides with photos. After each talk, there is a 4-minute question period and the audience usually asks lots of questions. You can get more information on our website (http://www.hprc-student.net/ ).








この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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