旧称 センター英語解く得!

【共通テスト 英語 試行テスト】H30年(2018年) 第2問 問題と詳しい解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第2問A ー 問題

A You are a member of the cooking club at school, and you want to make something different. On a website, you found a recipe for a dish that looks good.


Here is one of the top 10 oven-baked dishes as rated on our website. You will find this dish healthy and satisfying.

Meat and Potato Pie
Ingredients (serves about 4)

A  1 onion  ×2 flour  ×1 vegetable oil

2 carrots × 1 tomato paste  × 2 soup stock

500g minced beef   × 1 Worcestershire sauce salt & pepper

B 3 boiled potatoes 40g butter

C sliced cheese

Step 1: Make A

1. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, heat the oil, and cook for 5 minutes.

2. Add the meat and cook until it changes color.

3. Add the flour and stir for 2 minutes.

4. Add the soup stock, Worcestershire sauce, and tomato paste. Cook for about 30 minutes.

5. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 2: Make B

1. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into thin slices.

2. Heat the pan and melt the butter. Add the potatoes and cook for 3 minutes.

Step 3: Put A, B, and C together, and bake

1. Heat the oven to 200℃.

2. Put A into a baking dish, cover it with B, and top with C.

3. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve hot.


cooking@master January 15, 2018 at 15:14
This is really delicious! Perfect on a snowy day.

Seaside Kitchen February 3, 2018 at 10:03
My children love this dish. It’s not at all difficult to make, and I have made it so many times for my kids.


問1 This recipe would be good if you want to ( 6 ).

①cook chicken for lunch
②eat something sweet
③enjoy a hot dish on a cold day
④prepare a quick meal without using heat

問2 If you follow the instructions, the dish should be ready to eat in about ( 7 ).

①half an hour
②one hour
③twenty minutes
④two to three hours

問3 Someone who does not like raw carrots may eat this dish because ( 8 ).

①carrots are not used
②many kinds of spices are used
③the carrots are cooked
④the carrots are very fresh

問4 According to the website, one fact (not an opinion) about this recipe is that it is ( 9 ).

①highly ranked on the website
②made for vegetarians
③perfect for taking to parties
④very delicious

問5 According to the website, one opinion (not a fact) about this recipe is that ( 10 ).

①a parent made this dish many times
②it is easy to cook
③it is fun to cook with friends
④the recipe was created by a famous cook



2. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第2問B ー 問題

Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debate in the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments is shown below.

No Mobile Phones in French Schools

By Tracey Wolfe, Paris
11 DECEMBER 2017 4:07PM

The French government will prohibit students from using mobile phones in schools from September, 2018. Students will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to use them at any time in school without special permission. This rule will apply to all students in the country’s primary and middle schools.

Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister, stated, “These days the students don’t play at break time anymore. They are just all in front of their smartphones and from an educational point of view, that’s a problem.” He also said, “Phones may be needed in cases of emergency, but their use has to be somehow controlled.”

However, not all parents are happy with this rule. Several parents said, “One must live with the times. It doesn’t make sense to force children to have the same childhood that we had.” Moreover, other parents added, “Who will collect the phones, and where will they be stored? How will they be returned to the owners? If all schools had to provide lockers for children to store their phones, a huge amount of money and space would be needed.”



Daniel McCarthy 19 December 2017 6:11PM

Well done, France! School isn’t just trying to get students to learn how to calculate things. There are a lot of other things they should learn in school. Young people need to develop social skills such as how to get along with other people.


問1 According to the rule explained in the article, students in primary and middle schools in France won’t be allowed to ( 11 ).

①ask their parents to pay for their mobile phones
②bring their mobile phones to school
③have their own mobile phones until after graduation
④use their mobile phones at school except for special cases

問2 Your team will support the debate topic, “Mobile phone use in school should be limited.” In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for your team is that ( 12 ).

①it is necessary for students to be focused on studying during class
②students should play with their friends between classes
③the government will introduce a new rule about phone use at school
④using mobile phones too long may damage students’ eyes

問3  The other team will oppose the debate topic. In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for that team is that ( 13 ).

①it is better to teach students how to control their mobile phone use
②students should use their mobile phones for daily communication
③the cost of storing students’ mobile phones would be too high
④the rule will be applied to all students at the country’s primary and middle schools

問4 In the 3rd paragraph of the article, “One must live with the times” means that people should ( 14 ).

①change their lifestyles according to when they live
②live in their own ways regardless of popular trends
③remember their childhood memories
④try not to be late for school

問5 According to his comment, Daniel McCarthy ( 15 ) the rule stated in the article.

①has no particular opinion about
②partly agrees with
③strongly agrees with
④strongly disagrees with



3. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第2問解答・配点と正解率

問題番号 設問 解答番号 正解 配点 正答率
第2問 A 1 6 3 2 88.7%
A 2 7 2 2 86.9%
A 3 8 3 2 67.2%
A 4 9 1 2 57.5%
A 5 10 2 2 58.0%
B 1 11 4 2 80.0%
B 2 12 2 2 41.6%
B 3 13 3 2 48.8%
B 4 14 1 2 54.1%
B 5 15 3 2 62.7%


4. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第2問A ー 解答、解説

2A 問1の解答、解説

問1 This recipe would be good if you want to ( 6 ). このレシピはあなたが( 6 )ことを望んでいる場合に良いでしょう。

①cook chicken for lunch 昼食にチキンを調理する
②eat something sweet 何か甘いものを食べる
③enjoy a hot dish on a cold day 寒い日に温かい料理を楽しむ
④prepare a quick meal without using heat 熱を使わずに素早い食事を作る


消去法でも解けそうですが、「REVIEW & COMMENTS」の1人目のコメントが決め手になります。

cooking@master January 15, 2018 at 15:14
This is really delicious! Perfect on a snowy day.



“Heat the oven to 200℃.”「オーブンを200度に温めなさい」やイラストなどからもアツアツの料理であることが想像できますね。


2A 問2の解答、解説

問2 If you follow the instructions, the dish should be ready to eat in about ( 7 ). あなたが本文の手順に従えば、料理は約( 7 )後に食べる準備ができているはずだ。

①half an hour 30分
②one hour 1時間
③twenty minutes 20分
④two to three hours 2〜3時間


合計の時間についてはInstructions にある数字に着目します。

Step 1: Make A

1. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, heat the oil, and cook for 5 minutes.

2. Add the meat and cook until it changes color.

3. Add the flour and stir for 2 minutes.

4. Add the soup stock, Worcestershire sauce, and tomato paste. Cook for about 30 minutes.

5. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 2: Make B

1. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into thin slices.

2. Heat the pan and melt the butter. Add the potatoes and cook for 3 minutes.

Step 3: Put A, B, and C together, and bake

1. Heat the oven to 200℃.

2. Put A into a baking dish, cover it with B, and top with C.

3. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve hot.



2A 問3の解答、解説

問3 Someone who does not like raw carrots may eat this dish because ( 8 ). 生の人参が好きではない人は、( 8 )のでこの料理を食べるかもしれない。

①carrots are not used 人参が使用されていない
②many kinds of spices are used 多種類の香辛料が使われている
③the carrots are cooked 人参が調理されている
④the carrots are very fresh 人参がとても新鮮である


人参がどうなるかは Instructions の Step 1: Make A に書かれています。

1. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, heat the oil, and cook for 5 minutes.

1. 野菜を小さく切って脂を温め5分間調理しなさい。


①はInguredients に書かれているので不正解。




2A 問4の解答、解説

問4 According to the website, one fact (not an opinion) about this recipe is that it is ( 9 ). このウェブサイトによると、このレシピに関する(意見ではなく)1つの事実は、( 9 )ということである。

①highly ranked on the website ウェブサイトで上位にランクされている
②made for vegetarians ベジタリアンのために作られている
③perfect for taking to parties パーティーに持っていくのに最適である
④very delicious とてもおいしい





Here is one of the top 10 oven-baked dishes as rated on our website. You will find this dish healthy and satisfying.



2A 問5の解答、解説

問5 According to the website, one opinion (not a fact) about this recipe is that ( 10 ).このウェブサイトによると、このレシピについての(事実ではなく)1つの意見は、( 10 )ということである。

①a parent made this dish many times とある親がこの料理を何度も作った
②it is easy to cook 調理しやすい
③it is fun to cook with friends 友達と料理するのは楽しい
④the recipe was created by a famous cook レシピは有名な料理人が作った


「REVIEW & COMMENTS」の2つ目に正解の根拠があります。

Seaside Kitchen February 3, 2018 at 10:03
My children love this dish. It’s not at all difficult to make, and I have made it so many times for my kids.








5. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第2問B ー 解答、解説


2B 問1の解答、解説

問1 According to the rule explained in the article, students in primary and middle schools in France won’t be allowed to ( 11 ).

この記事で説明されている規則によれば、フランスの小中学校の学生は( 11 )ことを許可されていない。

①ask their parents to pay for their mobile phones 両親に携帯電話の支払いを頼む
②bring their mobile phones to school 携帯電話を学校に持っていく
③have their own mobile phones until after graduation 卒業後まで自分の携帯電話を持つ
④use their mobile phones at school except for special cases 特別な場合を除いて学校で自分の携帯電話を使う


タイトルの“No Mobile Phones in French Schools”を見れば②か④に絞れますね。


The French government will prohibit students from using mobile phones in schools from September, 2018. Students will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to use them at any time in school without special permission. This rule will apply to all students in the country’s primary and middle schools.




2B 問2の解答、解説

問2 Your team will support the debate topic, “Mobile phone use in school should be limited.” In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for your team is that ( 12 ).

あなたのチームは、「学校での携帯電話の使用は制限されるべきである」という討論のテーマを支持するつもりである。記事中で、あなたのチームに役立つ(事実ではなく)1つの意見は、( 12 )ということである。

①it is necessary for students to be focused on studying during class


②students should play with their friends between classes


③the government will introduce a new rule about phone use at school


④using mobile phones too long may damage students’ eyes




Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister, stated, “These days the students don’t play at break time anymore. They are just all in front of their smartphones and from an educational point of view, that’s a problem.” He also said, “Phones may be needed in cases of emergency, but their use has to be somehow controlled.”


これは休憩時間はスマートフォンを使うのではなく遊ぶべきだ という事でなので②が正解。

between classes「授業の間」= break time「休憩時間」ですね。





2B 問3の解答、解説

問3  The other team will oppose the debate topic. In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for that team is that ( 13 ).

もう一方のチームは、この討論の話題に反対するつもりである。記事中で、そのチームに役立つ(事実ではなく)1つの意見は、( 13 )ということである。

①it is better to teach students how to control their mobile phone use


②students should use their mobile phones for daily communication


③the cost of storing students’ mobile phones would be too high


④the rule will be applied to all students at the country’s primary and middle schools




However, not all parents are happy with this rule. Several parents said, “One must live with the times. It doesn’t make sense to force children to have the same childhood that we had.” Moreover, other parents added, “Who will collect the phones, and where will they be stored? How will they be returned to the owners? If all schools had to provide lockers for children to store their phones, a huge amount of money and space would be needed.








2B 問4の解答、解説

問4 In the 3rd paragraph of the article, “One must live with the times” means that people should ( 14 ). 記事の第3段落にある、「人は時代とともに生きなければならない」とは、人々が( 14 )べきであることを意味する。

①change their lifestyles according to when they live いつ生きているかに従って生活習慣を変える
②live in their own ways regardless of popular trends 流行に関係なく、自分のやり方で生きる
③remember their childhood memories 子供時代の思い出を覚えている
④try not to be late for school 学校に遅刻しないようにする



“One must live with the times. It doesn’t make sense to force children to have the same childhood that we had.”



2B 問5の解答、解説

問5 According to his comment, Daniel McCarthy ( 15 ) the rule stated in the article. ダニエル・マッカーシーのコメントによれば、彼はは記事に述べられている規則に ( 15 )

①has no particular opinion about 関して特に意見はない
②partly agrees with 部分的に同意している
③strongly agrees with 強く同意している
④strongly disagrees with 強く反対している


Daniel McCarthy のコメントは本文下部。

Daniel McCarthy 19 December 2017 6:11PM

Well done, France! School isn’t just trying to get students to learn how to calculate things. There are a lot of other things they should learn in school. Young people need to develop social skills such as how to get along with other people.

最初の”Well done, France!” 「フランス、よくやった。」だけでも③の匂いがしますが、否定的なことが一言でも書かれていれば②になるので最後まで目を通しましょう。





この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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