センター試験 英語「代名詞」の過去問を一気に14問

「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1 センターに出た代名詞 (2000-2018)
1. ( A ) of the European history ( B ) I read helped me understand why there are so many countries in Europe.
①A : Each B : book ②A : Each B : books ③A : Every B : book ④A : Every B : books
2. Hiro broke his lunch box again, so I have to go shopping to get ( ).
①any ②it ③one ④the other
3. The ( A ) of treatment at the hospital is much lower for ( B ) who have health insurance.
①A: cost B: them ②A: cost B: those ③A: fare B: them ④A: fare B: those
4. I understand ( ) of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school expenses.
①almost ②any ③anyone ④most
5. Of the seven people here now, one is from China, three are from US, and ( ) from France.
①other ②others ③the other ④the others
6. I recently bought a coffee maker with a timer. It’s very convenient. Do you have ( ) at home?
①it ②one ③them ④these
7. There are two people who I think are cut out for the job. As you know, one of them is Barbara. Can you guess ( )?
①another ②others ③the other ④the others
8. In Japan ( ) people go on to senior high school after finishing junior high school.
①almost ②almost of ③most ④most of
9. Susie has got some yellow socks, but I’ve got ( ).
①blue ones ②blue them ③ones blue ④them blue
10. How long have you and Keiko known ( )?
①each other ②together ③another ④other one
11. Would you blame ( ) if you were in my situation?
①you ②I ③yourself ④myself
12. ( ) of the three girls participated in the international exchange program.
①Every ②Any ③Both ④Each
13. I think I did well on the English listening test. I understood ( ) on the tape.
①even anything ②almost everything ③only nothing ④probably something
14. When she called his house this morning, ( ) at home.
①anybody wasn’t ②no one would be ③nobody was ④everybody wouldn’t be
2 センターに出た代名詞-解答
1. ( A ) of the European history ( B ) I read helped me understand why there are so many countries in Europe.
①A : Each B : book ②A : Each B : books ③A : Every B : book ④A : Every B : books
2. Hiro broke his lunch box again, so I have to go shopping to get ( ).
①any ②it ③one ④the other
3. The ( A ) of treatment at the hospital is much lower for ( B ) who have health insurance.
①A: cost B: them ②A: cost B: those ③A: fare B: them ④A: fare B: those
4. I understand ( ) of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school expenses.
①almost ②any ③anyone ④most
5. Of the seven people here now, one is from China, three are from US, and ( ) from France.
①other ②others ③the other ④the others
6. I recently bought a coffee maker with a timer. It’s very convenient. Do you have ( ) at home?
①it ②one ③them ④these
7. There are two people who I think are cut out for the job. As you know, one of them is Barbara. Can you guess ( )?
①another ②others ③the other ④the others
8. In Japan ( ) people go on to senior high school after finishing junior high school.
①almost ②almost of ③most ④most of
9. Susie has got some yellow socks, but I’ve got ( ).
①blue ones ②blue them ③ones blue ④them blue
10. How long have you and Keiko known ( )?
①each other ②together ③another ④other one
11. Would you blame ( ) if you were in my situation?
①you ②I ③yourself ④myself
12. ( ) of the three girls participated in the international exchange program.
①Every ②Any ③Both ④Each
13. I think I did well on the English listening test. I understood ( ) on the tape.
①even anything ②almost everything ③only nothing ④probably something
14. When she called his house this morning, ( ) at home.
①anybody wasn’t ②no one would be ③nobody was ④everybody wouldn’t be
3 センターに出た代名詞-解説
3-1 ① – ⑤
1. ( A ) of the European history ( B ) I read helped me understand why there are so many countries in Europe.
①A : Each B : book ②A : Each B : books ③A : Every B : book ④A : Every B : books
・each of ~複数名詞「各々の」(主語としては単数扱い)
・every of という形はない (everyは形容詞)
「A of B」 はAもBも名詞がきます。代名詞は名詞の一種なので大丈夫。他の品詞は☓ですよ。
2. Hiro broke his lunch box again, so I have to go shopping to get ( ).
①any ②it ③one ④the other
・名詞の繰り返しを避けるone。one = a lunch box
・it だと it = the lunch box となるのでおかしい。
3. The ( A ) of treatment at the hospital is much lower for ( B ) who have health insurance.
①A: cost B: them ②A: cost B: those ③A: fare B: them ④A: fare B: those
・cost 「費用」
・those ~ = the people ~ 「~する人々」
【 those(人々)を使う頻出表現 】
・those who ~「~する人々」
・those present 「出席者」
・those chosen 「選ばれた人」
4. I understand ( ) of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school expenses.
①almost ②any ③anyone ④most
・most 「ほとんどの」
・any / anyoneは肯定文の場合は原則単数扱い。意味からも☓
almostは副詞なので直後にofは続きません。almost allという形なら大丈夫です。
5. Of the seven people here now, one is from China, three are from US, and ( ) from France.
①other ②others ③the other ④the others
・特定できる+複数はthe othersで表す
3-1 ⑥ – ⑩
6. I recently bought a coffee maker with a timer. It’s very convenient. Do you have ( ) at home?
①it ②one ③them ④these
・名詞の繰り返しを避けるone。one = a coffee maker
・it だと it = the coffee makerとなるのでおかしい。
7. There are two people who I think are cut out for the job. As you know, one of them is Barbara. Can you guess ( )?
①another ②others ③the other ④the others
・one とthe other
二人いて一人が決まるともう一人は特定できる+他の=the other
cut out for ~は (人の性格が職種・環境・交際相手などに)「適している、向いている」という意味です。
8. In Japan ( ) people go on to senior high school after finishing junior high school.
①almost ②almost of ③most ④most of
・almostは副詞なのでalmost people など名詞を修飾する事はできません。またalmost of という形にもなりません。
・most of ならその後の名詞を特定するtheが必要になります。
9. Susie has got some yellow socks, but I’ve got ( ).
①blue ones ②blue them ③ones blue ④them blue
・名詞の繰り返しを避けるones。blue ones = blue socks
10. How long have you and Keiko known ( )?
①each other ②together ③another ④other one
・each other 「お互い」代名詞である事に注意
【 each other -正しい文を選択 】
①We love each other.
②We talked each other last night.
意味で考えるとどちらも正しく見えますが、①はloveが他動詞なのでそのまま代名詞のeach otherで良いですが、②はtalkedが自動詞なのでwithが必要になります。
①We love each other. (正しい)
②We talked with each other last night.
each otherは英作文で出題される事もあるので要注意です。
3-1 ⑪ – ⑭
11. Would you blame ( ) if you were in my situation?
①you ②I ③yourself ④myself
12. ( ) of the three girls participated in the international exchange program.
①Every ②Any ③Both ④Each
・each of ~複数名詞「各々の」 (主語としては単数扱い)
・① Every of という形はない。②はSomeなら可。③Bothならtwo girls
13. I think I did well on the English listening test. I understood ( ) on the tape.
①even anything ②almost everything ③only nothing ④probably something
・almost「ほとんど」almost everything「ほとんどすべて」
14. When she called his house this morning, ( ) at home.
①anybody wasn’t ②no one would be ③nobody was ④everybody wouldn’t be
・nobody 「誰も~ない」
・①any ~notという語順は☓。②「誰も家にいないだろう」電話をかけた時という内容なので☓
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)