
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
複合関係詞 (-ever) もよく出題されますが、今回は関係代名詞と関係副詞の基本に限定してお話します。
1. 基本確認問題 [ 最適な関係代名詞を記入 ]
①This is the boy ( ) I met the other day.
②This is the boy ( ) likes soccer very much.
③This is the boy ( ) mother I know well.
④This is the only boy ( ) I can play shogi with.
⑤The boy ( ) I thought was Toshi turned out his brother.
⑥This is ( ) I’ve wanted.
2. 基本確認問題 [ 関係代名詞か関係副詞を選択 ]
①Kyoto is the place ( ) I went last year.
②Kyoto is the place ( ) I visited last year.
③New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy.
④New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy on.
⑤This is the reason ( ) I had to go there.
⑥All the reasons ( ) he showed to us are reasonable.
⑦This is the way ( ) we can become acquainted with one another.
3. 基本確認問題 [ 最適な関係代名詞を記入-解答 ]
①This is the boy ( whom ) I met the other day.
②This is the boy ( who ) likes soccer very much.
③This is the boy ( whose ) mother I know well.
④This is the only boy ( that ) I can play shogi with.
⑤The boy ( who ) I thought was Toshi turned out his brother.
⑥This is ( what ) I’ve wanted.
4. 基本確認問題 [ 関係代名詞か関係副詞を選択-解答 ]
①Kyoto is the place ( where ) I went last year.
②Kyoto is the place ( which ) I visited last year.
③New Year’s Day is ( when ) everybody feels happy.
④New Year’s Day is ( which ) everybody feels happy on.
⑤This is the reason ( why ) I had to go there.
⑥All the reasons ( that ) he showed to us are reasonable.
⑦This is the way ( that ) we can become acquainted with one another.
5. 関係代名詞を確認
5-1 ①-③ 関係代名詞の基本中の基本
①This is the boy ( whom ) I met the other day.
②This is the boy ( who ) likes soccer very much.
③This is the boy ( whose ) mother I know well.
【 あまりお勧めしない関係代名詞選択の解き方 】
- カッコの後ろがSVなら目的格
- カッコの後ろがVなら主格
- カッコの後ろが名詞なら所有格
①から③は先行詞が全てthe boyで人。
【 関係代名詞選択のおすすめの解き方 】 (●が欠けているもの)
①This is the boy < ( ) I met ● the other day>. I metのOがない→目的格 whom
②This is the boy < ( ) ● likes soccer very much>. likesのSがない→主格 who
③This is the boy < ( ) ● mother I know well>. mother の冠詞がない→ 所有格 whose
なお、whose 所有格の後ろは無冠詞 ( a / an / theがない)名詞と覚えておくと良いと思います。
【 関係代名詞に限らず所有格の後ろは必ず無冠詞の名詞がくる 】
my book / his house / her smartphone / its library / our culture / whose book / whose father etc.
5-2 ④ 関係代名詞 that
【 関係代名詞にthatを使うのが好ましい場合 】
1 先行詞が 人+人以外 の場合
2 先行詞が 疑問詞(特にwho) の場合
3 先行詞に 強い限定語 がある場合
( 強い限定語の例・・・最上級, the first, the only, the very, all, no, every, anyなど)
1 The child and his dog that were walking around happened to find the bag with a lot of money.
2 Who that knows him could believe him?
1や2もセンター試験 (共通一次)で出題されたことがあります。
④This is the only boy ( that ) I can play shogi with.
④は先行詞が強い限定語(the only ~) なのでthatを選ぶのが最適です。
5-3 ⑤ 連鎖関係代名詞
⑤The boy ( who ) I thought was Toshi turned out his brother.
⑤The boy < ( ) I thought was Toshi > turned out his brother.
どこで閉じるか迷いますが、I thoughtで閉じるとその後にwas / turned と2つ動詞が来るおかしな文になってしまいます。なのでToshiの後に閉じます。
カッコ内で欠けているのは目的語ではありません。I though him was Toshi という謎の文になります。
カッコ内で欠けているのは主語です。I thought he was Toshi なら問題ないですよね。よって主格のwhoを入れます。
⑤The boy < ( who ) I thought was Toshi > turned out his brother.
I thoughtを除くと普通の文になりますよね。
【 連鎖関係代名詞 】
5-4 ⑥ 関係代名詞 what
【 関係代名詞 what 】
what ~ = the thing which ~ 「~すること、もの」1 先行詞は含まれる
2 カタマリで名詞節を作る
3 名詞節は不完全文になる
そしてthe thing which ~なので「~こと、もの」という名詞節を作ります。
「センター試験 英語「接続詞」の過去問を一気に15問」で解説した2017年追試験の問題などを解くときにwhatとthatの違いを知っておくことが重要になります。
1. ( A ) I discovered today during craft class was ( B ) I really enjoy making jewelry.
①A: That B: that ②A: That B: what ③A: What B: that ④A: What B: what(センター2017年 追試験)
⑥This is ( what ) I’ve wanted.
6. 関係代名詞と関係副詞の違い
6-1 関係代名詞と関係副詞はどうやって使い分けるのか?
1 This is the house which we live in.
2 This is the house where we live.
3 This is the house in which we live.
【 関係代名詞と関係副詞と前置詞 + 関係代名詞の違い 】
1 先行詞 + 関係代名詞 + 不完全文
2 先行詞 + 関係副詞 + 完全文
3 先行詞 + 前置詞 + 関係副詞 + 完全文
関係代名詞と名詞の一種なので関係代名詞の後ろは名詞が欠けた構造 (不完全文) が来ますが、関係副詞は副詞の一種なので名詞が欠けた構造にはなりません。
前置詞 + 関係代名詞は不完全文を作る前置詞が前にきた構造なので完全になります。
6-2 ①-④ 典型的な関係代名詞と関係副詞の違いを問う問題
①Kyoto is the place ( ) I went last year.
②Kyoto is the place ( ) I visited last year.
先行詞のthe placeを見てwhereを選ぶようでは関係詞の問題は解けません。
the placeは関係副詞のwhereの資格を得た程度で、関係副詞のwhereになるか関係代名詞のwhichになるかは五分五分です。
①Kyoto is the place ( ) I went last year.
②Kyoto is the place ( ) I visited last year.
visited は他動詞なので後ろに名詞が必要→不完全文答はwhich
③New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy.
④New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy on.
③New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy.
④New Year’s Day is ( ) everybody feels happy on.
6-3 ⑤-⑥ 関係副詞 は省略にも注意
⑤This is the reason ( ) I had to go there.
⑥All the reasons ( ) he showed to us are reasonable.
⑤This is the reason ( ) I had to go there.
名詞が欠けていない→完全文→答は why
⑥All the reasons ( ) he showed to us are reasonable.
showedの目的語(名詞)が欠けている→不完全文→先行詞にallを含む→答はthat (which)
関係副詞はplace と where、timeとwhen、reason とwhyなど先行詞と関係副詞がよくある組み合わせになることがあります。
特に⑤のthe reason whyの形ではthe reason あるいは why を省略する方が普通です。
◯ This is the reason why I had to go there.
◯ This is the reason I had to go there. (関係副詞の省略)
◯ This is why I had to go there. (先行詞の省略)
またthis is why / this is the reason、this is how / this is the way の形はよく使われるため定訳も覚えておきましょう。
・this is why / this is the reason 「こういう訳で」「だから」
・this is how / this is the way「このようにして」「こういう風に」
6-4 ⑦ 曲者!関係副詞 how
関係副詞のhowは曲者です。先行詞は必ずthe wayになるのですが、なんとthe way howと書くと間違いになります。
【 関係詞 how は要注意!】
×the way how (嘘答の王様)
◯the way in which
◯the way (howの省略)
◯how (the wayの省略)
◯the way that
the way how はダメでも正しい形は4つあります。
省略が一般的ですが、the way in which と前置詞 + 関係代名詞はOKです。あと、the way that もOKです。ここまで出題されることがあるので全部正確に覚えておきましょう。
7. センター試験英語で出題された関係詞の過去問
1 Our boss was sick at home, so we did ( ) we thought was needed to finish the project.
①how ②that ③what ④which
(センター2018年 本試験)
2 The typhoon suddenly became weaker, ( ) was good news for the village.
①it ②that ③what ④which
3 He was the member of the committee( ) duty was to choose the winner of the competition .
①that ②what ③which ④whose
(センター2017年 追試験)
4 Sand is the material ( ) glass is made.
①from which ②on which ③what ④which
(センター2016年 追試験)
5 My teacher always tried to create learning environment ( ) all students can express themselves freely.
①that ②what ③where ④which
(センター2015年 追試験)
6 Last week I bought an imported car, ( ) was something I had always wanted to do.
①it ②that ③what ④which
7 “Which girl is Shiori?”
“The one ( ) had a chat with a moment ago.”
①I ②myself ③that ④who
8 Susan used all her savings to pay for a demo tape, copies of ( ) she later sent to several music companies.
①that ②what ③which ④where
(センター2012年 追試験)
9 I think he is a very intelligent person, ( ) many people don’t agree with me.
①but ②for ③which ④who
(センター2008年 本試験)
10 Michael works very hard. That’s ( ) I respect him.
①how ②the person ③the thing ④why
(センター2008年 本試験)
11 Thank you, Hiromi. This book is exactly ( ) I wanted.
①what ②which ③of which ④that
12 Social science, ( ) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college.
①studying the subject ②having studied ③the subject I studied ④I have studied
(センター2002年 本試験)
13 Last night Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo, ( ) she appears to be enjoying very much.
①which ②where ③what ④when
(センター2002年 追試験)
8. センター英語で出た!関係詞の過去問 解答・解説
1 Our boss was sick at home, so we did ( ) we thought was needed to finish the project.
①how ②that ③what ④which
(センター2018本 年試験)
what was needed「必要だったこと」の前にSVがつく形はいわゆる連鎖関係代名詞と言われる形。
what we thought was needed「必要だと私達が思ったこと」
2 The typhoon suddenly became weaker, ( ) was good news for the village.
①it ②that ③what ④which
・関係代名詞の非制限用法のwhich「~そのこと」。ここでは全文(The typhoon ~ weaker)を受ける。
, which was = , and that was
3 He was the member of the committee( ) duty was to choose the winner of the competition .
①that ②what ③which ④whose
(センター2017年 追試験)
・関係代名詞の所有格whoseの問題 whose duty ←its duty
4 Sand is the material ( ) glass is made.
①from which ②on which ③what ④which
(センター2016年 追試験)
・glass is made from the material なので答はfrom which
砂はガラスが作られる材料だ。→ ガラスは砂から作られる。
5 My teacher always tried to create a learning environment ( ) all students can express themselves freely.
①that ②what ③where ④which
・先行詞がenvironment (場所) + 完全文 → where
6 Last week I bought an imported car, ( ) was something I had always wanted to do.
①it ②that ③what ④which
・,which = , and that
7 “Which girl is Shiori?”
“The one ( ) had a chat with a moment ago.”
①I ②myself ③that ④who
・The oneの後に関係代名詞の省略 The one (whom) I had a chat with ~
8 Susan used all her savings to pay for a demo tape, copies of ( ) she later sent to several music companies.
①that ②what ③which ④where
・and copies of it (a demo tape) = copies of which 関係代名詞は接続詞と代名詞を合わせたもの
9 I think he is a very intelligent person, ( ) many people don’t agree with me.
①but ②for ③which ④who
・, ( ) の後に不完全文なら関係代名詞を選ぶが、完全文なので普通に接続詞を選ぶ。
10 Michael works very hard. That’s ( ) I respect him.
①how ②the person ③the thing ④why
・That is why ~「そういうわけで」「だから」
11 Thank you, Hiromi. This book is exactly ( ) I wanted.
①what ②which ③of which ④that
12 Social science, ( ) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college.
①studying the subject ②having studied ③the subject I studied ④I have studied
13 Last night Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo, ( ) she appears to be enjoying very much.
①which ②where ③what ④when
・, ( ) の後に不完全文が続く(enjoyingの目的語がない) の関係代名詞を選ぶ。先行詞はTokyoではなく、her new job.
Practice makes perfect!
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)