旧称 センター英語解く得!

共通テスト英語2021(令和3) 第1問 問題&詳細解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

第1問 A-問題

A Your dormitory roommate Julie has sent a text message to your mobile phone with a request.

Last night I saved my history homework on a USB memory stick. I was going to print it in the university library this afternoon, but I forgot to bring the USB with me. I need to give a copy to my teacher by 4 p.m. today. Can you bring my USB to the library? I think it’s on top of my history book on my desk. I don’t need the book, just the USB. ♡

Sorry Julie, I couldn’t find it. The history book was there, but there was no USB memory stick. I looked for it everywhere, even under your desk. Are you sure you don’t have it with you? I’ll bring your laptop computer with me, just in case.

You were right! I did have it. It was at the bottom of my bag. What a relief! Thanks anyway.😀


問1 What was Julie’s request? ( 1 )

① To bring her USB memory stick
② To hand in her history homework
③ To lend her a USB memory stick
④ To print out her history homework

問2 How will you reply to Julie’s second text message? ( 2 )

① Don’t worry. You’ll find it.
② I’m really glad to hear that.
③ Look in your bag again.
④ You must be disappointed.

第1問 B-問題

B Your favorite musician will have a concert tour in Japan, and you are thinking of joining the fan club. You visit the official fan club website.


 Being a member of the TYLER QUICK (TQ) fan club is so much fun! You can keep up with the latest news, and take part in many exciting fan club member events. All new members will receive our New Member’s Pack. It contains a membership card, a free signed poster, and a copy of TQ’s third album Speeding Up. The New Member’s Pack will be delivered to your home, and will arrive a week or so after you join the fan club.
TQ is loved all around the world. You can join from any country, and you can use the membership card for one year. The TQ fan club has three types of membership: Pacer, Speeder, and Zoomer.

Please choose from the membership options below.

What you get (♬) Membership Options
Regular emails and online magazine password
Early information on concert tour dates
TQ’s weekly video messages
Monthly picture postcards  
TQ fan club calendar  
Invitations to special signing events    
20% off concert tickets    

✧ Join before May 10 and receive a $10 discount on your membership fee!
✧ There is a $4 delivery fee for every New Member’s Pack.
✧ At the end of your 1st year, you can either renew or upgrade at a 50% discount.
Whether you are a Pacer, a Speeder, or a Zoomer, you will love being a member of the TQ fan club. For more information, or to join, click here.


問1 A New Member’s Pack ( 3 )

① includes TQ’s first album
② is delivered on May 10
③ requires a $10 delivery fee
④ takes about seven days to arrive

問2 What will you get if you become a new Pacer member? ( 4 )

① Discount concert tickets and a calendar
② Regular emails and signing event invitations
③ Tour information and postcards every month
④ Video messages and access to online magazines

問3 After being a fan club member for one year, you can ( 5 ).

① become a Zoomer for a $50 fee
② get a New Member’s Pack for $4
③ renew your membership at half price
④ upgrade your membership for free


第1問 A-解答

第1問 A 問1 解答

問1 What was Julie’s request? ( 1 ) ジュリーのリクエストは何でしたか

① To bring her USB memory stick 彼女のUSBメモリーを持っていくこと
② To hand in her history homework 彼女の歴史の宿題を提出すること
③ To lend her a USB memory stick 彼女にUSBメモリーを貸すこと
④ To print out her history homework 彼女の歴史の宿題を印刷すること


Last night I saved my history homework on a USB memory stick. I was going to print it in the university library this afternoon, but I forgot to bring the USB with me. I need to give a copy to my teacher by 4 p.m. today. Can you bring my USB to the library? I think it’s on top of my history book on my desk. I don’t need the book, just the USB. ♡

JulieはUSBを忘れてしまったようで、Can you bring my USB to the library? 「私のUSBを図書館まで持ってきてくれない?」とお願いしているので①が正解。

第1問 A 問2 解答

問2 How will you reply to Julie’s second text message? ( 2 ) あなたはジュリーの2番目のテキストメッセージにどのように答えるだろうか

① Don’t worry. You’ll find it. 心配しないで。見つかるわよ。
② I’m really glad to hear that. それを聞いて本当にうれしい。
③ Look in your bag again. あなたのかばんの中をもう一度見なさい。
④ You must be disappointed. あなたはがっかりしているに違いない。


You were right! I did have it. It was at the bottom of my bag. What a relief! Thanks anyway.

なので②のI’m really glad to hear that.が正解。

Thanks anyway.「とにかくありがとう」は思った通りの結果にはならなかったにしても、相手の好意や努力には感謝していると伝える時に使います。ここでは結果的にJulieが1人で解決してしまったのでこういう表現になったのですね。



第1問 B-解答

第1問 B 問1 解答

問1 A New Member’s Pack ( 3 ) 新会員パックは

① includes TQ’s first album TQの1枚目のアルバムが含まれている
② is delivered on May 10 5月10日に配達される
③ requires a $10 delivery fee 10ドルの配送料が必要だ
④ takes about seven days to arrive 到着に約7日かかる

本文からA New Member’s Pack という単語を探すと、3行目に新たなファンクラブメンバーが受け取るものである事が分かります。

 Being a member of the TYLER QUICK (TQ) fan club is so much fun! You can keep up with the latest news, and take part in many exciting fan club member events. All new members will receive our New Member’s Pack. It contains a membership card, a free signed poster, and a copy of TQ’s third album Speeding Up. The New Member’s Pack will be delivered to your home, and will arrive a week or so after you join the fan club.


第1問 B 問2 解答

問2 What will you get if you become a new Pacer member? ( 4 ) あなたが新ペイサー会員になると何が手に入るか。4

① Discount concert tickets and a calendar コンサートチケットの割引とカレンダー
② Regular emails and signing event invitations 定期的なメールとサイン会の招待状
③ Tour information and postcards every month ツアー情報と毎月の葉書
④ Video messages and access to online magazines ビデオメッセージとオンラインマガジンへのアクセス

表の最初にWhat you getとあり、その横にメンバーシップの種類が書かれているので、その中のPacerの中身に目を通します。

What you get (♬) Membership Options
Regular emails and online magazine password
Early information on concert tour dates
TQ’s weekly video messages
Monthly picture postcards  
TQ fan club calendar  
Invitations to special signing events    
20% off concert tickets    

すると、online magazineとvideo messageが手に入ることが分かるので④が正解になります。

第1問 B 問3 解答

問3 After being a fan club member for one year, you can ( 5 ).

ファンクラブ会員になって1年後、あなたは ( 5 )ができる。

① become a Zoomer for a $50 fee 50ドルの料金でズーマーになること
② get a New Member’s Pack for $4 新会員パックを4ドルで手に入れること
③ renew your membership at half price 会員権を半額で更新すること
④ upgrade your membership for free 無料で会員権をアップグレードすること


✧ Join before May 10 and receive a $10 discount on your membership fee!
✧ There is a $4 delivery fee for every New Member’s Pack.
At the end of your 1st year, you can either renew or upgrade at a 50% discount.




この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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