旧称 センター英語解く得!

共通テスト英語2021(令和3) 第2問 問題&詳細解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

英語2021(令和3) 第2問 A-問題

A As the student in charge of a UK school festival band competition, you are examining all of the scores and the comments from three judges to understand and explain the rankings.

Judges’ final average scores
Band names/Qualities Performance (5.0) Singing (5.0) Song originality (5.0) Total (15.0)
Green Forest 3.9 4.6 5.0 13.5
Silent Hill 4.9 4.4 4.2 13.5
Mountain Pear 3.9 4.9 4.7 13.5
Thousand Ants (did not perform)

Judges’ individual comments

Mr Hobbs

Silent Hill are great performers and they really seemed connected with the audience. Mountain Pear’s singing was great. I loved Green Forest’s original song. It was amazing!

Ms Leigh

Silent Hill gave a great performance. It was incredible how the audience responded to their music. I really think that Silent Hill will become popular! Mountain Pear have great voices, but they were not exciting on stage. Green Forest performed a fantastic new song, but I think they need to practice more.

Ms Wells

Green Forest have a new song. I loved it! I think it could be a big hit!

Judges’ shared evaluation (summarised by Mr Hobbs)

  Each band’s total score is the same, but each band is very different. Ms Leigh and I agreed that performance is the most important quality for a band. Ms Wells also agreed. Therefore, first place is easily determined.

  To decide between second and third places, Ms Wells suggested that song originality should be more important than good singing. Ms Leigh and I agreed on this opinion.

問1 Based on the judges’ final average scores, which band sang the best? ( 6 )

①Green Forest ②Mountain Pear ③Silent Hill ④Thousand Ants

問2 Which judge gave both positive and critical comments? ( 7 )

①Mr Hobbs ②Ms Leigh ③Ms Wells ④None of them

問3 One fact from the judges’ individual comments is that ( 8 ).

①all the judges praised Green Forest’s song
②Green Forest need to practice more
③Mountain Pear can sing very well
④Silent Hill have a promising future

問4 One opinion from the judges’ comments and shared evaluation is that ( 9 ).

①each evaluated band received the same total score
②Ms Wells’ suggestion about originality was agreed on
③Silent Hill really connected with the audience
④the judges’ comments determined the rankings

問5 Which of the following is the final ranking based on the judges’ shared evaluation?
( 10 )





Green Forest

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Mountain Pear

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Green Forest



英語2021(令和3) 第2問 B-問題

B You’ve heard about a change in school policy at the school in the UK where you are now studying as an exchange student. You are reading the discussions about the policy in an online forum.

New School Policy <Posted on 22 September 2020>
To: P. E. Berger
From: K. Roberts

Dear Dr Berger,

On behalf of all students, welcome to St Mark’s School. We heard that you are the first Head Teacher with a business background, so we hope your experience will help our school.

I would like to express one concern about the change you are proposing to the after-school activity schedule. I realise that saving energy is important and from now it will be getting darker earlier. Is this why you have made the schedule an hour and a half shorter? Students at St Mark’s School take both their studies and their after-school activities very seriously. A number of students have told me that they want to stay at school until 6.00 pm as they have always done. Therefore, I would like to ask you to think again about this sudden change in policy.

Ken Roberts
Head Student

Re: New School Policy
To: K. Roberts
From: P. E. Berger

Dear Ken,

Many thanks for your kind post. You’ve expressed some important concerns, especially about the energy costs and student opinions on school activities.

The new policy has nothing to do with saving energy. The decision was made based on a 2019 police report. The report showed that our city has become less safe due to a 5% increase in serious crimes. I would like to protect our students, so I would like them to return home before it gets dark.

Dr P. E. Berger
Head Teacher


問1  Ken thinks the new policy ( 11 ) .

①can make students study more
②may improve school safety
③should be introduced immediately
④will reduce after-school activity time

問2  One fact stated in Ken’s forum post is that ( 12 ) .

more discussion is needed about the policy
the Head Teacher’s experience is improving the school
the school should think about students’ activities
there are students who do not welcome the new policy

問3  Who thinks the aim of the policy is to save energy? ( 13 )

Dr Berger Ken The city The police

問4  Dr Berger is basing his new policy on the fact that ( 14 ).

going home early is important
safety in the city has decreased
the school has to save electricity
the students need protection

問5  What would you research to help Ken oppose the new policy?  ( 15 )

The crime rate and its relation to the local area
The energy budget and electricity costs of the school
The length of school activity time versus the budget
The study hours for students who do after-school activities



英語2021(令和3) 第2問 A-解答

第2問 A 問1 解答

問1 Based on the judges’ final average scores, which band sang the best? ( 6 )

①Green Forest ②Mountain Pear ③Silent Hill ④Thousand Ants


Judges’ final average scores
Band names/Qualities Performance (5.0) Singing (5.0) Song originality (5.0) Total (15.0)
Green Forest 3.9 4.6 5.0 13.5
Silent Hill 4.9 4.4 4.2 13.5
Mountain Pear 3.9 4.9 4.7 13.5
Thousand Ants (did not perform)

するとMountain Pearが4.9で点数が1番高いのでこれが正解になります。

第2問 A 問2 解答

問2 Which judge gave both positive and critical comments? ( 7 ) どの審査員が肯定的および批判的なコメントをしたか。

①Mr Hobbs ②Ms Leigh ③Ms Wells ④None of them

Mr Hobbsも③Ms Wellsも良いコメントだけですが、Ms Leighは違います。

Ms Leigh

Silent Hill gave a great performance. It was incredible how the audience responded to their music. I really think that Silent Hill will become popular! Mountain Pear have great voices, but they were not exciting on stage. Green Forest performed a fantastic new song, but I think they need to practice more.

赤い部分は肯定的なコメントですが、青い部分は批判的なコメントです。よってMs Leighが正解になります。

第2問 A 問3 解答

問3 One fact from the judges’ individual comments is that ( 8 ). 審査員の個々のコメントの1つ事実は ( 8 )である。
①all the judges praised Green Forest’s song 審査員全員がGreen Forestの歌を称賛した
②Green Forest need to practice more Green Forestはもっと練習する必要がある
③Mountain Pear can sing very well Mountain Pearはとても上手に歌うことができる
④Silent Hill have a promising future Silent Hillは将来有望だ

Judges’ individual comments を見ます。

Judges’ individual comments

Mr Hobbs

Silent Hill are great performers and they really seemed connected with the audience. Mountain Pear’s singing was great. I loved Green Forest’s original song. It was amazing!

Ms Leigh

Silent Hill gave a great performance. It was incredible how the audience responded to their music. I really think that Silent Hill will become popular! Mountain Pear have great voices, but they were not exciting on stage. Green Forest performed a fantastic new song, but I think they need to practice more.

Ms Wells

Green Forest have a new song. I loved it! I think it could be a big hit!

全員がGreen Forestを称賛しているので、①が正解になります。




第2問 A 問4 解答

問4 One opinion from the judges’ comments and shared evaluation is that ( 9 ). 審査員のコメントと評価の共有からみた意見の1つは( 9 )である。

①each evaluated band received the same total score 評価されたそれぞれのバンドは同じ合計点を獲得した
②Ms Wells’ suggestion about originality was agreed on 独創性に関するWellsの提案が同意された
③Silent Hill really connected with the audience Silent Hillは本当に観客と結びついていた
④the judges’ comments determined the rankings 審査員のコメントが順位を決定した

先に選択肢を見たほうが解きやすいかもしれません。①②④は意見ではなくなく事実。意見である③ですが、Ms Leighのコメントに注目します。

Ms Leigh

Silent Hill gave a great performance. It was incredible how the audience responded to their music. I really think that Silent Hill will become popular! Mountain Pear have great voices, but they were not exciting on stage. Green Forest performed a fantastic new song, but I think they need to practice more.


第2問 A 問5 解答

問5 Which of the following is the final ranking based on the judges’ shared evaluation?
( 10 )


Judges’ final average scores
Band names/Qualities Performance (5.0) Singing (5.0) Song originality (5.0) Total (15.0)
Green Forest 3.9 4.6 5.0 13.5
Silent Hill 4.9 4.4 4.2 13.5
Mountain Pear 3.9 4.9 4.7 13.5
Thousand Ants (did not perform)

そこでJudges’ shared evaluationを見ます。

Judges’ shared evaluation (summarised by Mr Hobbs)

  Each band’s total score is the same, but each band is very different. Ms Leigh and I agreed that performance is the most important quality for a band. Ms Wells also agreed. Therefore, first place is easily determined.

  To decide between second and third places, Ms Wells suggested that song originality should be more important than good singing. Ms Leigh and I agreed on this opinion.

まず1位ですが、Ms LeighとMr Hobbsが「パフォーマンスがバンドには最も重要な質だ。Ms Wellも同意した」とあるのでパフォーマンスが1番上のバンドが1位です。

よってパフォーマンス4.9のSilent Hillが1位です。

2位と3位は「Ms Wellが独創性の方が良い歌唱よりも重要と提案した。Ms Leighと私はこの意見に同意した」とあるので独創性が5.0のGreen Forestが2位。残ったMountain Pearが1位です。





Green Forest

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Mountain Pear

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Silent Hill

Green Forest

Mountain Pear

Silent Hill

Mountain Pear

Green Forest

Green Forestが「青森」、Mountain Pearが「山梨」、Silent Hillが「静岡」というのには気づきましたか?






英語2021(令和3) 第2問 B-解答

第2問 B 問1 解答

問1  Ken thinks the new policy ( 11 ) . Kenは新しい方針は( 11 )であると考えている。

①can make students study more 学生にもっと勉強させることができる
②may improve school safety 学校​​の安全性が改善するかもしれない
③should be introduced immediately すぐに導入する必要がある
④will reduce after-school activity time 放課後の活動時間を減らす


I would like to express one concern about the change you are proposing to the after-school activity schedule. I realise that saving energy is important and from now it will be getting darker earlier. Is this why you have made the schedule an hour and a half shorter? Students at St Mark’s School take both their studies and their after-school activities very seriously. A number of students have told me that they want to stay at school until 6.00 pm as they have always done. Therefore, I would like to ask you to think again about this sudden change in policy.

「なぜ1時間半スケジュールを早めたのか?」「St Mark’s Schoolの生徒は勉強も放課後活動も真剣にやっている」「複数の生徒が今まで通り6時まで学校にいたいと語った」とあるので放課後の活動時間が減ることが示唆される。よって④が正解。

第2問 B 問2 解答

問2  One fact stated in Ken’s forum post is that ( 12 ) . ケンの掲示板への投稿で述べられている1つの事実は ( 12 )である。

more discussion is needed about the policy その方針についてもっと議論が必要であること
the Head Teacher’s experience is improving the school 校長の経験は学校を改善している
the school should think about students’ activities 学校は生徒の活動について考えるべきである
there are students who do not welcome the new policy 新しい方針を歓迎しない学生がいる




第2問 B 問3 解答

問3  Who thinks the aim of the policy is to save energy? ( 13 ) 誰がその方針の目的はエネルギーを節約することであると考えているか。

Dr Berger Ken The city The police

I would like to express one concern about the change you are proposing to the after-school activity schedule. I realise that saving energy is important and from now it will be getting darker earlier.


一方Dr Bergerは本文2つ目の段落で

The new policy has nothing to do with saving energy.





第2問 B 問4 解答

問4  Dr Berger is basing his new policy on the fact that ( 14 ). Dr Bergerの彼の新しい方針は( 14 ) という事実に基づいている。

going home early is important 早く帰宅することが重要である
safety in the city has decreased 市の安全性が低下した
the school has to save electricity 学校は電気を節約しなければならない
the students need protection 生徒たちは保護が必要である

根拠となるのはDr Burgerの本文第2段落。

The new policy has nothing to do with saving energy. The decision was made based on a 2019 police report. The report showed that our city has become less safe due to a 5% increase in serious crimes. I would like to protect our students, so I would like them to return home before it gets dark.



第2問 B 問5 解答

問5  What would you research to help Ken oppose the new policy?  ( 15 ) Kenが新しい方針に反対する手助けをするためにあなたは何を調査するか。( 15 )

The crime rate and its relation to the local area 犯罪率と地元地域との関係
The energy budget and electricity costs of the school 学校​​のエネルギー予算と電気代
The length of school activity time versus the budget 学校の活動時間の長さと予算との対比
The study hours for students who do after-school activities 放課後活動を行う学生の勉強時間

What would you research ~?とあるので本文には直接書かれていない。

Dr Burgerは問4で「市の安全性が低下した」という理由で方針を変更したと述べている。




この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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