旧称 センター英語解く得!

共通テスト英語2021(令和3) 第5問 問題&詳細解説


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「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

英語共テ2021(令和3) 第5問 問題

 Using an international news report, you are going to take part in an English oral presentation contest. Read the following news story from France in preparation for your talk.

 Five years ago, Mrs. Sabine Rouas lost her horse. She had spent 20 years with the horse before he died of old age. At that time, she felt that she could never own another horse. Out of loneliness, she spent hours watching cows on a nearby milk farm. Then, one day, she asked the farmer if she could help look after them.
 The farmer agreed, and Sabine started work. She quickly developed a friendship with one of the cows. As the cow was pregnant, she spent more time with it than with the others. After the cow’s baby was born, the baby started following Sabine around.   Unfortunately, the farmer wasn’t interested in keeping a bull ― a male cow ― on a milk farm. The farmer planned to sell the baby bull, which he called Three-oh-nine (309), to a meat market. Sabine decided she wasn’t going to let that happen, so she asked the farmer if she could buy him and his mother. The farmer agreed, and she bought them. Sabine then started taking 309 for walks to town. About nine months later, when at last she had permission to move the animals, they moved to Sabine’s farm.
 Soon after, Sabine was offered a pony. At first, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to have him, but the memory of her horse was no longer painful, so she accepted the pony and named him Leon. She then decided to return to her old hobby and started training him for show jumping. Three-oh-nine, who she had renamed Aston, spent most of his time with Leon, and the two became really close friends. However, Sabine had not expected Aston to pay close attention to her training routine with Leon, nor had she expected Aston to pick up some tricks. The young bull quickly mastered walking, galloping, stopping, going backwards, and turning around on command. He responded to Sabine’s voice just like a horse. And despite weighing 1,300 kg, it took him just 18 months to learn how to leap over one-meter-high horse jumps with Sabine on his back. Aston might never have learned those things without having watched Leon. Moreover, Aston understood distance and could adjust his steps before a jump. He also noticed his faults and corrected them without any help from Sabine. That’s something only the very best Olympic-standard horses can do.
 Now Sabine and Aston go to weekend fairs and horse shows around Europe to show off his skills. Sabine says, “We get a good reaction. Mostly, people are really surprised, and at first, they can be a bit scared because he’s big ― much bigger than a horse. Most people don’t like to get too close to bulls with horns. But once they see his real nature, and see him performing, they often say, ‘Oh he’s really quite beautiful.’ ”
 “Look!” And Sabine shows a photo of Aston on her smartphone. She then continues, “When Aston was very young, I used to take him out for walks on a lead, like a dog, so that he would get used to humans. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t mind people. Because he is so calm, children, in particular, really like watching him and getting a chance to be close to him.”
 Over the last few years, news of the massive show-jumping bull has spread rapidly; now, Aston is a major attraction with a growing number of online followers. Aston and Sabine sometimes need to travel 200 or 300 kilometers away from home, which means they have to stay overnight. Aston has to sleep in a horse box, which isn’t really big enough for him.
 “He doesn’t like it. I have to sleep with him in the box,” says Sabine. “But you know, when he wakes up and changes position, he is very careful not to crush me. He really is very gentle. He sometimes gets lonely, and he doesn’t like being away from Leon for too long; but other than that, he’s very happy.”

問1 Which is the best title for your presentation? ( 30 )

①Animal-lover Saves the Life of a Pony
②Aston’s Summer Show-jumping Tour
③Meet Aston, the Bull who Behaves Like a Horse
④The Relationship Between a Farmer and a Cow

問2 Which is the best combination for the Who’s Who? slide? ( 31 )

  Main figures Minor figures
309, Aston, the farmer Sabine, the pony
Aston, Aston’s mother, Sabine 309, the farmer
Aston, Leon, the farmer Aston’s mother, Sabine
Aston, Sabine, the pony Aston’s mother, the farmer

問3 Choose the four events in the order they happened to complete the Pre-fame Storyline slide. ( 32 ) ~ ( 35 )
①Aston learns to jump.
②Sabine and Aston travel hundreds of kilometers together.
③Sabine buys 309 and his mother.
④Sabine goes to work on her neighbor’s farm.
⑤Sabine takes 309 for walks.

問4 Choose the two best items for the Aston’s Abilities slide. (The order does not matter.) ( 36 )・( 37 )

①correct his mistakes by himself
②jump side-by-side with the pony
③jump with a rider on his back
④pick up tricks faster than a horse
⑤ pose for photographs

問5 Complete the Aston Now slide with the most appropriate item. ( 38 )

①has an increasing number of fans
②has made Sabine very wealthy
③is so famous that he no longer frightens people
④spends most nights of the year in a horse trailer



英語共テ2021(令和3) 第5問 解答



第5問 問1 解答

問1 Which is the best title for your presentation? ( 30 ) あなたのプレゼンテーションに最も適するタイトルはどれか。

①Animal-lover Saves the Life of a Pony 動物愛好家が子馬の命を救う
②Aston’s Summer Show-jumping Tour Astonの夏の障害飛越ツアー
③Meet Aston, the Bull who Behaves Like a Horse 馬のように振る舞う雄牛Astonに出会う
④The Relationship Between a Farmer and a Cow とある農夫と牛の関係




第5問 問2 解答

問2 Which is the best combination for the Who’s Who? slide? ( 31 )「Who’s Who?」のスライドに最も適する組み合わせはどれか。

  Main figures Minor figures
309, Aston, the farmer Sabine, the pony
Aston, Aston’s mother, Sabine 309, the farmer
Aston, Leon, the farmer Aston’s mother, Sabine
Aston, Sabine, the pony Aston’s mother, the farmer



④のthe ponyはLeonの事ですね。①と②に出てくる309は=Astonなので両方が存在する①と②はその点からもおかしいと分かります。

第5問 問3 解答

問3 Choose the four events in the order they happened to complete the Pre-fame Storyline slide. ( 32 ) ~ ( 35 )


①Aston learns to jump.
②Sabine and Aston travel hundreds of kilometers together.
③Sabine buys 309 and his mother.
④Sabine goes to work on her neighbor’s farm.
⑤Sabine takes 309 for walks.


また最初にSabline’s horse dies.、最後にAston and Sabine start going to shows. とあるのでその間に起こった出来事を入れるようにします。

話の中に最初に登場するのは④Sabine goes to work on her neighbor’s farm.


Then, one day, she asked the farmer if she could help look after them.
 The farmer agreed, and Sabine started work.




so she asked the farmer if she could buy him and his mother. The farmer agreed, and she bought them. Sabine then started taking 309 for walks to town.




it took him just 18 months to learn how to leap over one-meter-high horse jumps with Sabine on his back.



まとめると( 32 )④、( 33 )③、( 34 )⑤、( 35 )①です。





第5問 問4 解答

問4 Choose the two best items for the Aston’s Abilities slide. (The order does not matter.) ( 36 )・( 37 ) Aston’s Ablitiesのスライドに最も適する2つの項目を選びなさい。(順番は関係なし)

①correct his mistakes by himself 自分で間違いを正す
②jump side-by-side with the pony 子馬と並んでジャンプする
③jump with a rider on his back 背中に乗馬者を乗せてジャンプする
④pick up tricks faster than a horse 馬よりも早く芸を身につける
⑤pose for photographs 写真のためにポーズをとる




He also noticed his faults and corrected them without any help from Sabine.



第5問 問5 解答

問5 Complete the Aston Now slide with the most appropriate item. ( 38 ) Aston Nowのスライドを最も適切な項目によって完成させなさい。

①has an increasing number of fans ますます多くのファンがいる
②has made Sabine very wealthy Sabineをとても裕福にした
③is so famous that he no longer frightens people とても有名なので、人々はもはや彼を怖がらない
④spends most nights of the year in a horse trailer 1年の大半の夜を馬のトレーラーで過ごす


now, Aston is a major attraction with a growing number of online followers.





この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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