旧称 センター英語解く得!

共通テスト英語2021(令和3) 第3問 問題&詳細解説


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「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

英語2021(令和3) 第3問 A-問題

A  You are planning to stay at a hotel in the UK. You found useful information in the Q&A section of a travel advice website.

I’m considering staying at the Hollytree Hotel in Castleton in March 2021. Would you recommend this hotel, and is it easy to get there from Buxton Airport?



Yes, I strongly recommend the Hollytree. I’ve stayed there twice. It’s inexpensive, and the service is brilliant! There’s also a wonderful free breakfast. (Click here for access information.)

Let me tell you my own experience of getting there.

On my first visit, I used the underground, which is cheap and convenient. Trains run every five minutes. From the airport, I took the Red Line to Mossfield. Transferring to the Orange Line for Victoria should normally take about seven minutes, but the directions weren’t clear and I needed an extra five minutes. From Victoria, it was a ten-minute bus ride to the hotel.

The second time, I took the express bus to Victoria, so I didn’t have to worry about transferring. At Victoria, I found a notice saying there would be roadworks until summer 2021. Now it takes three times as long as usual to get to the hotel by city bus, although buses run every ten minutes. It’s possible to walk, but I took the bus as the weather was bad.

Enjoy your stay!



問1 From Alex’s answer, you learn that Alex ( 16 ).

①appreciates the convenient location of the hotel
②got lost in Victoria Station on his first visit to Castleton
③thinks that the hotel is good value for money
④used the same route from the airport both times

問2 You are departing on public transport from the airport at 2.00 pm on 15 March 2021. What is the fastest way to get to the hotel? ( 17 )

①By express bus and city bus
②By express bus and on foot
③By underground and city bus
④By underground and on foot


英語2021(令和3) 第3問 B-問題

B  Your classmate showed you the following message in your school’s newsletter, written by an exchange student from the UK.

Volunteers Wanted!

  Hello, everyone. I’m Sarah King, an exchange student from London. I’d like to share something important with you today.

  You may have heard of the Sakura International Centre. It provides valuable opportunities for Japanese and foreign residents to get to know each other. Popular events such as cooking classes and karaoke contests are held every month. However, there is a serious problem. The building is getting old, and requires expensive repairs. To help raise funds to maintain the centre, many volunteers are needed.

  I learnt about the problem a few months ago. While shopping in town, I saw some people taking part in a fund-raising campaign. I spoke to the leader of the campaign, Katy, who explained the situation. She thanked me when I donated some money. She told me that they had asked the town mayor for financial assistance, but their request had been rejected. They had no choice but to start fund-raising.

  Last month, I attended a lecture on art at the centre. Again, I saw people trying to raise money, and I decided to help. They were happy when I joined them in asking passers-by for donations. We tried hard, but there were too few of us to collect much money. With a tearful face, Katy told me that they wouldn’t be able to use the building much longer. I felt the need to do something more. Then, the idea came to me that other students might be willing to help. Katy was delighted to hear this.

  Now, I’m asking you to join me in the fund-raising campaign to help the Sakura International Centre. Please email me today! As an exchange student, my time in Japan is limited, but I want to make the most of it. By working together, we can really make a difference.

Class 3 A
Sarah King  (sarahk@sakura-h.ed.jp)


問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order in which they happened.

18 → 19 → 20 → 21

①Sarah attended a centre event.
②Sarah donated money to the centre.
③Sarah made a suggestion to Katy.
④The campaigners asked the mayor for help.

問2 From Sarah’s message, you learn that the Sakura International Centre ( 22 ).

①gives financial aid to international residents
②offers opportunities to develop friendships
③publishes newsletters for the community
④sends exchange students to the UK

問3 You have decided to help with the campaign after reading Sarah’s message. What should you do first? ( 23 )

①Advertise the events at the centre.
②Contact Sarah for further information.
③Organise volunteer activities at school.
④Start a new fund-raising campaign.


英語2021(令和3) 第3問 A-解答

第3問 A 問1 解答

問1 From Alex’s answer, you learn that Alex ( 16 ). アレックスの解答から、あなたはアレックスが( 16 )ことがわかる。

①appreciates the convenient location of the hotel ホテルが便利な位置にあることを評価している
②got lost in Victoria Station on his first visit to Castleton Castletonへの最初の訪問の際、Victoria駅で迷子になった
③thinks that the hotel is good value for money ホテルはお金に対して十分価値があると思っている
④used the same route from the airport both times 2回とも空港から同じ道順を利用した


It’s inexpensive, and the service is brilliant! There’s also a wonderful free breakfast.


第3問 A 問2 解答

問2 You are departing on public transport from the airport at 2.00 pm on 15 March 2021. What is the fastest way to get to the hotel? ( 17 ) あなたは2021年3月15日午後2時に空港から公共交通機関で出発することになっている。ホテルに到着するのに最も速い方法は何か。( 17 )

①By express bus and city bus 高速バスと市内バス
②By express bus and on foot 高速バスと徒歩
③By underground and city bus 地下鉄と市内バス
④By underground and on foot 地下鉄と徒歩で


まずBuxton空港からVictoria駅ですが、一見するとUnderground(地下鉄)を使う方が、Red Line 25min、Orange Line 10 minでExpress Busの40 min より速そうですが。


On my first visit, I used the underground, which is cheap and convenient. Trains run every five minutes. From the airport, I took the Red Line to Mossfield. Transferring to the Orange Line for Victoria should normally take about seven minutes, but the directions weren’t clear and I needed an extra five minutes. From Victoria, it was a ten-minute bus ride to the hotel.

「私はRed Lineに乗ってMossfieldへ向かった。Victoria行きのOrange Lineへの乗り換えは通常約7分かかる」とあります。

図は乗り換え時間を含んでいないのですね。結局25+7+10で地下鉄を使うとVictoriaまで42分かかるのでExpress Busの方が速いことになります。

また、Victoria駅からホテルまではCity Busが10分、On foot (徒歩)が20分で明らかにバスの方が速そうですが、Answerの第四段落に注目

The second time, I took the express bus to Victoria, so I didn’t have to worry about transferring. At Victoria, I found a notice saying there would be roadworks until summer 2021. Now it takes three times as long as usual to get to the hotel by city bus, although buses run every ten minutes. It’s possible to walk, but I took the bus as the weather was bad.

「Victoriaで2021年夏まで道路工事があるという掲示を見た。現在city busでホテルに行くのは通常の3倍の時間がかかる」とあるので、現在Victroria駅からホテルまではCity Busで30分かかる事になります。






英語2021(令和3) 第3問 B-解答

第3問 B 問1 解答

問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order in which they happened. 彼女たちに起こった以下の出来事 (①〜④)を順番に並べなさい。

18 → 19 → 20 → 21

①Sarah attended a centre event. Sarahはセンターの行事に参加した。
②Sarah donated money to the centre. Sarahはセンターに寄付をした。
③Sarah made a suggestion to Katy. SarahはKatyに提案した。
④The campaigners asked the mayor for help. キャンペーン参加者は市長に助けを求めた。



 I learnt about the problem a few months ago. While shopping in town, I saw some people taking part in a fund-raising campaign. I spoke to the leader of the campaign, Katy, who explained the situation. She thanked me when I donated some money. She told me that they had asked the town mayor for financial assistance, but their request had been rejected. They had no choice but to start fund-raising.

  Last month, I attended a lecture on art at the centre. Again, I saw people trying to raise money, and I decided to help. They were happy when I joined them in asking passers-by for donations. We tried hard, but there were too few of us to collect much money. With a tearful face, Katy told me that they wouldn’t be able to use the building much longer. I felt the need to do something more. Then, the idea came to me that other students might be willing to help. Katy was delighted to hear this.

まず最初に目に入るのは第三段落3文のI donated some money. 。ただ気をつけて欲しいのはその直後にShe told me that they had asked the town mayor for financial assistance「彼女は私に市長に金融支援を頼んだと話した」という部分。頼んだのはhad askedと過去完了形で書かれていることから容易に分かるようにdonatedと過去形で書かれた部分より前の話。




そして第四段落の冒頭にI attended a lecture on art at the centre.「そのセンターの芸術の講義に参加した」とあります。

また、段落の最後に the idea came to me that other students might be willing to help. Katy was delighted to hear this.「他の生徒も手伝うのを厭わないかもしれないという考えが浮かび、Katyはこれを聞いて喜んだ」とあるので、この部分がSarahのKathyへの提案と考えられます。



第3問 B 問2 解答

問2 From Sarah’s message, you learn that the Sakura International Centre ( 22 ). Sarahのメッセージから、さくら国際センターは ( 22 )ことが分かる。

①gives financial aid to international residents 外国人居住者に経済的援助を提供している
②offers opportunities to develop friendships 友情を育む機会を提供している
③publishes newsletters for the community そのコミュニティ向けにニュースレターを発行している
④sends exchange students to the UK イギリスに交換留学生を派遣している


You may have heard of the Sakura International Centre. It provides valuable opportunities for Japanese and foreign residents to get to know each other. Popular events such as cooking classes and karaoke contests are held every month. However, there is a serious problem. The building is getting old, and requires expensive repairs. To help raise funds to maintain the centre, many volunteers are needed.


第3問 B 問3 解答

問3 You have decided to help with the campaign after reading Sarah’s message. What should you do first? ( 23 ) Sarahのメッセージを読んだ後であなたはキャンペーンを手伝うことにした。あなたは最初に何をすべきか。( 23 )

①Advertise the events at the centre. センターの行事を宣伝する。
②Contact Sarah for further information. 詳細についてSarahに問い合わせる。
③Organise volunteer activities at school. 学校でボランティア活動を企画する。
④Start a new fund-raising campaign. 新たな募金運動を始める。


 Now, I’m asking you to join me in the fund-raising campaign to help the Sakura International Centre. Please email me today! As an exchange student, my time in Japan is limited, but I want to make the most of it. By working together, we can really make a difference.


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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