旧称 センター英語解く得!

【共通テスト 英語 試行テスト】H30年(2018年) 第3問 問題と詳しい解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第3問A ー 問題

A You found the following story in a blog written by a female exchange student in your school.

School Festival

Sunday, September 15

 I went with my friend Takuya to his high school festival. I hadn’t been to a Japanese school festival before. We first tried the ghost house. It was well-made, using projectors and a good sound system to create a frightening atmosphere.

 Then we watched a dance show performed by students. They were cool and danced well. It’s a pity that the weather was bad. If it had been sunny, they could have danced outside. At lunch time, we ate Hawaiian pancakes, Thai curry, and Mexican tacos at the food stalls. They were all good, but the Italian pizza had already sold out by the time we found the pizza stall.

 In the afternoon, we participated in a karaoke competition together as both of us love singing. Surprisingly, we almost won, which was amazing as there were 20 entries in the competition. We were really happy that many people liked our performance. We also enjoyed the digital paintings and short movies students made.

 I can’t believe that students organized and prepared this big event by themselves. The school festival was pretty impressive.

問1 At the school festival, ( 16 ).

①most food at the stalls was sold out before lunch time
②the dance show was held inside due to poor weather
③the ghost house was run without electronic devices
④the karaoke competition was held in the morning

問2 You learned that the writer of this blog ( 17 ).

①enjoyed the ghost tour, the dance show, and the teachers’ art works
②sang in the karaoke competition and won third prize
③tried different dishes and took second place in the karaoke contest
④was pleased with her dancing and her short movie about the festival



2. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第3問B ー 問題

You found the following story in a study-abroad magazine.

Flowers and Their Hidden Meanings
Naoko Maeyama (Teaching Assistant)

 Giving flowers is definitely a nice thing to do. However, when you are in a foreign country, you should be aware of cultural differences.

 Deborah, who was at our school in Japan for a three-week language program, was nervous at first because there were no students from Canada, her home country. But she soon made many friends and was having a great time inside and outside the classroom. One day she heard that her Japanese teacher, Mr. Hayashi, was in the hospital after falling down some stairs at the station. She was really surprised and upset, and wanted to see him as soon as possible. Deborah decided to go to the hospital with her classmates and brought a red begonia in a flower pot to make her teacher happy. When they entered the hospital room, he welcomed them with a big smile. However, his expression suddenly changed when Deborah gave the red flower to him. Deborah was a little puzzled, but she didn’t ask the reason because she didn’t want to trouble him.

 Later, in her elementary Japanese and with the help of a dictionary, Deborah told me about her visit to the hospital, and how her teacher’s expression changed when she gave him the begonia. Deborah said, “It’s my favorite flower because red is the color of passion. I thought my teacher, who was always passionate about teaching, would surely love it, too.”

 Unfortunately, flowers growing in a pot are something we shouldn’t take to a hospital in Japan. This is because a plant in a pot has roots, and so it cannot be moved easily. In Japanese culture some people associate these facts with remaining in the hospital. Soon after Deborah heard the hidden meaning of the potted begonia, she visited Mr. Hayashi again to apologize.

問1 According to the story, Deborah’s feelings changed in the following order. ( 18 ).

①nervous → confused → happy → shocked → sorry
②nervous → confused → sorry → shocked → happy
③nervous → happy → shocked → confused → sorry
④nervous → happy → sorry → shocked → confused
⑤nervous → shocked → happy → sorry → confused
⑥nervous → sorry → confused → happy → shocked

問2 The gift Deborah chose was not appropriate in Japan because it may imply ( 19 ).

①a long stay
③growing anger
④passion for living

問3 From this story, you learned that Deborah ( 20 ).

①chose a begonia for her teacher because she learned the meanings of several flowers in her class
②not only practiced her Japanese but also learned about Japanese culture because of a begonia
③visited the hospital with her teaching assistant to see her teacher and enjoyed chatting
④was given an explanation about the begonia by Mr. Hayashi and learned its hidden meaning



3. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第3問解答・配点と正解率

問題番号 設問 解答番号 正解 配点 正答率
第3問 A 1 16 2 2 87.5%
A 2 17 3 2 64.5%
B 1 18 3 2 74.8%
B 2 19 1 2 62.1%
B 3 20 2 2 56.2%

4. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第3問A ー 解答、解説

3A 問1の解答、解説

問1 At the school festival, ( 16 ). 学園祭では、( 16 )

①most food at the stalls was sold out before lunch time 屋台の食事のほとんどはランチタイムの前に売り切れていた

②the dance show was held inside due to poor weather 悪天候のためダンスショーが屋内で開催された

③the ghost house was run without electronic devices お化け屋敷は電子機器なしで行われた

④the karaoke competition was held in the morning カラオケ大会は午前中に開催された



 Then we watched a dance show performed by students. They were cool and danced well. It’s a pity that the weather was bad. If it had been sunny, they could have danced outside. At lunch time, we ate Hawaiian pancakes, Thai curry, and Mexican tacos at the food stalls. They were all good, but the Italian pizza had already sold out by the time we found the pizza stall.


①売り切れていたのはItalin pizza。

③お化け屋敷は第一段落の最終文にprojectors / a good sound system という単語があり電子機器は使っていたので不正解。


3A 問2の解答、解説

問2 You learned that the writer of this blog ( 17 ). あなたはこのブログの作者が( 17 )ことを学んだ。

①enjoyed the ghost tour, the dance show, and the teachers’ art works


②sang in the karaoke competition and won third prize


③tried different dishes and took second place in the karaoke contest


④was pleased with her dancing and her short movie about the festival




②カラオケ大会は”we almost won”「私達はもう少しで勝ちそうだった」とあるので3位ではなく2位だったので不正解。

 In the afternoon, we participated in a karaoke competition together as both of us love singing. Surprisingly, we almost won, which was amazing as there were 20 entries in the competition.



almostは「ほとんど」という訳だけでは足りません。例えばHe was almost late for school.は「ほとんど遅刻した」ではなく「ほとんど遅刻状態だったけど遅刻はしていない」ということなので「あやうく遅刻しそうだった」が良い訳になります。




5. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第3問B ー 解答、解説

3B 問1の解答、解説

問1 According to the story, Deborah’s feelings changed in the following order. ( 18 ). この記事によると、デボラの感情は次の順番で変化した。

①nervous → confused → happy → shocked → sorry
②nervous → confused → sorry → shocked → happy
③nervous → happy → shocked → confused → sorry
④nervous → happy → sorry → shocked → confused
⑤nervous → shocked → happy → sorry → confused
⑥nervous → sorry → confused → happy → shocked

nervous 「緊張した」、confused「混乱した」、happy「うれしい」、shocked「ショックを受けた」、sorry「申し訳ない」


第二段落の第1文にnervous という単語が見えます。(そもそもこの選択肢しかありませんが)

第二段落の第2文にhaving a great time とあるのでhappyを選択。

第二段落の第4文にsurprised and upset とあるのでshocked を選択。

第二段落の最終文にpuzzled「困惑した」とあるのでconfused を選択。

最後は第三段落の最終文に apologize とあるのでsorryを選択。


3B 問2の解答、解説

問2 The gift Deborah chose was not appropriate in Japan because it may imply ( 19 ). デボラが選んだ贈り物は( 19 )をほのめかしているかもしれないので日本では適切ではなかった

①a long stay 長期の入院

②congratulations お祝いの言葉

③growing anger 怒りが大きくなること

④passion for living 生きることへの情熱



 Unfortunately, flowers growing in a pot are something we shouldn’t take to a hospital in Japan. This is because a plant in a pot has roots, and so it cannot be moved easily. In Japanese culture some people associate these facts with remaining in the hospital. Soon after Deborah heard the hidden meaning of the potted begonia, she visited Mr. Hayashi again to apologize.





3B 問3の解答、解説

問3 From this story, you learned that Deborah ( 20 ). この物語から、あなたはデボラが( 20 )ことが分かった。

①chose a begonia for her teacher because she learned the meanings of several flowers in her class


②not only practiced her Japanese but also learned about Japanese culture because of a begonia


③visited the hospital with her teaching assistant to see her teacher and enjoyed chatting


④was given an explanation about the begonia by Mr. Hayashi and learned its hidden meaning





 Later, in her elementary Japanese and with the help of a dictionary, Deborah told me about her visit to the hospital, and how her teacher’s expression changed when she gave him the begonia. Deborah said, “It’s my favorite flower because red is the color of passion. I thought my teacher, who was always passionate about teaching, would surely love it, too.”







この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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