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【共通テスト 英語 試行テスト】H30年(2018年) 第6問 問題と詳しい解説


この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

1. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第6問 A ー 問題

A You are preparing for a group presentation on gender and career development for your class. You have found the article below.


Can Female Pilots Solve Asia’s Pilot Crisis?

[1]  With the rapid growth of airline travel in Asia, the shortage of airline pilots is becoming an issue of serious concern. Statistics show that the number of passengers flying in Asia is currently increasing by about 100,000,000 a year. If this trend continues, 226,000 new pilots will be required in this region over the next two decades. To fill all of these jobs, airlines will need to hire more women, who currently account for 3% of all pilots worldwide, and only 1% in Asian countries such as Japan and Singapore. To find so many new pilots, factors that explain such a low number of female pilots must be examined, and possible solutions have to be sought.
[2] One potential obstacle for women to become pilots might be the stereotype that has long existed in many societies: women are not well-suited for this job. This seems to arise partly from the view that boys tend to excel in mechanics and are stronger physically than girls. A recent study showed that young women have a tendency to avoid professions in which they have little prospect of succeeding. Therefore, this gender stereotype might discourage women from even trying. It may explain why at the Malaysia Flying Academy, for instance, women often account for no more than 10% of all trainees enrolled.
[3] Yet another issue involves safety. People may be concerned about the safety of aircraft flown by female pilots, but their concerns are not supported by data. For example, a previous analysis of large pilot databases conducted in the United States showed no meaningful difference in accident rates between male and female pilots. Instead, the study found that other factors such as a pilot’s age and flight experience better predicted whether that person is likely to be involved in an accident.
[4] Despite the expectation that male pilots have better flight skills, it may be that male and female pilots just have skills which give them different advantages in the job. On the one hand, male pilots often have an easier time learning how to fly than do female pilots. The controls in a cockpit are often easier to reach or use for a larger person. Men tend to be larger, on average, than women. In fact, females are less likely than men to meet the minimum height requirements that most countries have. On the other hand, as noted by a Japanese female airline captain, female pilots appear to be better at facilitating communication among crew members.
[5] When young passengers see a woman flying their plane, they come to accept female pilots as a natural phenomenon. Today’s female pilots are good role models for breaking down stereotypical views and traditional practices, such as the need to stay home with their families. Offering flexible work arrangements, as has already been done by Vietnam Airlines, may help increase the number of female pilots and encourage them to stay in the profession.
[6] It seems that men and women can work equally well as airline pilots. A strong message must be sent to younger generations about this point in order to eliminate the unfounded belief that airline pilots should be men.


問1 According to the article, the author calls the current situation in Asia a crisis because ( 35 ).

①many more male airline pilots are quitting their jobs than before
②the accident rates are increasing among both male and female pilots
③the number of female pilots has not changed much for the last few decades
④the number of future pilots needed will be much larger than at present

問2 According to the article, there is little difference between men and women in ( 36 ).

①how easily they learn to operate airplanes
②how likely they are to be involved in accidents
③how much time they can spend on work
④how people perceive their suitability for the job

問3 In Paragraph [4], the author most likely mentions a Japanese female airline captain in order to give an example of ( 37 ).

①a contribution female pilots could make to the workplace
②a female pilot who has excellent skills to fly a plane
③a problem in the current system for training airline pilots
④an airline employee who has made rare achievements

問4 Which of the following statements best summarizes the article? ( 38 )

①Despite negative views toward female pilots, they can be as successful as male pilots.
②Due to financial problems the percentage of female students in a pilot academy in Asia is too small.
③In the future many countries worldwide may have to start hiring more female pilots like Asian countries.
④There is little concern about increasing female pilots in the future because major obstacles for them have been removed.



2. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第6問 B ー 問題

B You are studying about world ecological problems. You are going to read the following article to understand what has happened in Yellowstone National Park.


 Yellowstone National Park, located in the northern United States, became the world’s first national park in 1872. One of the major attractions of this 2.2-millionacre park is the large variety of animals. Some people say that Yellowstone is the best place in the world to see wolves. As of December 2016, there were at least 108 wolves and 11 packs (social families) in the park. By the 1940s, however, wolves had almost disappeared from Yellowstone National Park. Today, these wolves are back and doing well. Why have they returned?

 The wolves’ numbers had declined by the 1920s through hunting, which was not regulated by the government. Ranchers on large farms raising cattle, horses, and sheep did not like wolves because they killed their animals. When the wolves were on the point of being wiped out by hunting, another problem arose— the elk herds increased in number. Elk, a large species of deer, are the wolves’ principal source of food in the winter. The elk populations grew so large that they upset the balance of the local ecosystem by eating many plants. People may like to see elk, but scientists were worried about the damage caused by the overly large population.

 To solve this problem, the U.S. government announced their intention to release young wolves brought from Canada. It was hoped that the wolves would hunt the elk and help bring down the population. However, because many ranchers were against bringing back wolves, it took about 20 years for the government and the ranchers to agree on a plan. In 1974, a team was appointed to oversee the reintroduction of wolves. The government published official recovery plans in 1982, 1985, and finally in 1987. After a long period of research, an official environmental impact statement was issued and 31 wolves were released into Yellowstone from 1995 to 1996.

 This project to reduce the number of elk was a great success. By 2006, the estimated wolf population in Yellowstone National Park was more than 100. Furthermore, observers believe that the wolves have been responsible for a decline in the elk population from nearly 20,000 to less than 10,000 during the first 10 years following their introduction. As a result, a lot of plants have started to grow back. The hunting of wolves is even allowed again because of the risk from wolves to ranchers’ animals. While hunting wolves because they are perceived as a threat may seem like an obvious solution, it may cause new problems. As a study published in 2014 suggested, hunting wolves might increase the frequency of wolves killing ranchers’ animals. If the leader of a wolf pack is killed, the pack may break up. Smaller packs or individual wolves may then attack ranchers’ animals. Therefore, there is now a restriction on how many wolves can be hunted. Such measures are important for long-term management of wolf populations.



問1 The decline of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the early 1900s resulted in ( 39 ).

①a decrease in the number of hunters, which was good for the wolves
②a decrease in the number of ranchers, which reduced the human population
③an increase in the number of elk, which damaged the local ecosystem
④an increase in the number of trees and plants, which helped elk to hide

問2 Out of the following four graphs, which illustrates the situation the best? ( 40 )

問3 According to the article, which two of the following tell us about the current situation in the park? (Choose two options. The order does not matter.) ( 41 )・( 42 )

①More travelers are visiting the park than thirty years ago.
②One species was saved but another has become extinct instead.
③People have started hunting wolves around this area again.
④The park has both wolves and elk, as well as rich vegetation.
⑤There is a new rule to reduce the elk population in the park.

問4 The best title for this article is ( 43 ).

①A Decrease in the Number of Ranchers’ Animals
②Addressing Problems With Nature’s Balance
③Nature Conservation Around the World
④Releasing Elk in National Parks



3. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第6問解答・配点と正解率

問題番号 設問 解答番号 正解 配点 正答率
第6問 A 1 35 4 3 51.1%
A 2 36 2 3 28.6%
A 3 37 1 3 46.7%
A 4 38 1 3 39.9%
B 1 39 3 3 55.9%
B 2 40 2 3 36.9%
B 3 41-42 3-4 3 (*2) 17.5%
B 4 43 2 3 51.8%




4. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第6問 A ー 解答、解説

6A 問1 の解答、解説

問1 According to the article, the author calls the current situation in Asia a crisis because ( 35 ).

この記事によると、( 35 )という理由で、著者はアジアにおける現在の状況を危機と呼んでいる。

①many more male airline pilots are quitting their jobs than before


②the accident rates are increasing among both male and female pilots


③the number of female pilots has not changed much for the last few decades


④the number of future pilots needed will be much larger than at present




 [1] With the rapid growth of airline travel in Asia, the shortage of airline pilots is becoming an issue of serious concern. Statistics show that the number of passengers flying in Asia is currently increasing by about 100,000,000 a year. If this trend continues, 226,000 new pilots will be required in this region over the next two decades.




6A 問2 の解答、解説

問2 According to the article, there is little difference between men and women in ( 36 ).
この記事によると、( 36 )において男性と女性の間にほとんど違いがない。

①how easily they learn to operate airplanes
②how likely they are to be involved in accidents
③how much time they can spend on work
④how people perceive their suitability for the job



  [3] Yet another issue involves safety. People may be concerned about the safety of aircraft flown by female pilots, but their concerns are not supported by data. For example, a previous analysis of large pilot databases conducted in the United States showed no meaningful difference in accident rates between male and female pilots.




On the one hand, male pilots often have an easier time learning how to fly than do female pilots. The controls in a cockpit are often easier to reach or use for a larger person. Men tend to be larger, on average, than women.




 [2] One potential obstacle for women to become pilots might be the stereotype that has long existed in many societies: women are not well-suited for this job.



6A 問3の解答、解説

問3 In Paragraph [4], the author most likely mentions a Japanese female airline captain in order to give an example of ( 37 ).

第四段落で、著者は( 37 )の例を示すために日本人の女性航空機長に言及している可能性が最も高い。

①a contribution female pilots could make to the workplace
②a female pilot who has excellent skills to fly a plane
③a problem in the current system for training airline pilots
④an airline employee who has made rare achievements


On the other hand, as noted by a Japanese female airline captain, female pilots appear to be better at facilitating communication among crew members.



6A 問4の解答、解説

問4 Which of the following statements best summarizes the article? ( 38 )

次のうちどの記述がこの記事を最もよく要約しているか。( 38 )

①Despite negative views toward female pilots, they can be as successful as male pilots.


②Due to financial problems the percentage of female students in a pilot academy in Asia is too small.


③In the future many countries worldwide may have to start hiring more female pilots like Asian countries.


④There is little concern about increasing female pilots in the future because major obstacles for them have been removed.





[6] It seems that men and women can work equally well as airline pilots.








5. 大学入試共通テスト 試行テスト H30年実施 第6問 B ー 解答、解説

6B 問1 の解答、解説

問1 The decline of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the early 1900s resulted in ( 39 ).

1900年代初頭にイエローストーン国立公園で狼が減少したので( 39 )

①a decrease in the number of hunters, which was good for the wolves


②a decrease in the number of ranchers, which reduced the human population


③an increase in the number of elk, which damaged the local ecosystem


④an increase in the number of trees and plants, which helped elk to hide




The elk populations grew so large that they upset the balance of the local ecosystem by eating many plants.






Elk (ヘラジカ)

Elk (ヘラジカ)


6B 問2 の解答、解説

問2 Out of the following four graphs, which illustrates the situation the best? ( 40 )

問2 40 正解 ②


By the 1940s, however, wolves had almost disappeared from Yellowstone National Park.



After a long period of research, an official environmental impact statement was issued and 31 wolves were released into Yellowstone from 1995 to 1996.




Furthermore, observers believe that the wolves have been responsible for a decline in the elk population from nearly 20,000 to less than 10,000 during the first 10 years following their introduction.



ヘラジカが2万頭から1万頭になったとのは分かりやすいですが、during the first 10 years following their introduction.「それの(=狼の)導入後の最初の10年間」の部分を正確に読み取る必要があります。




6B 問3 の解答、解説

問3 According to the article, which two of the following tell us about the current situation in the park? (Choose two options. The order does not matter.) ( 41 )・( 42 )

この記事によると、以下の2つのうちどれが公園の現在の状況について伝えているか。(2つの選択肢を選びなさい。順番は問題ない) ( 41 )・( 42 )

①More travelers are visiting the park than thirty years ago.


②One species was saved but another has become extinct instead.


③People have started hunting wolves around this area again.


④The park has both wolves and elk, as well as rich vegetation.


⑤There is a new rule to reduce the elk population in the park.




As a result, a lot of plants have started to grow back. The hunting of wolves is even allowed again because of the risk from wolves to ranchers’ animals.




6B 問4 の解答、解説

問4 The best title for this article is ( 43 ).
この記事のもっとも適切な題名は (43 )である。

①A Decrease in the Number of Ranchers’ Animals
②Addressing Problems With Nature’s Balance
③Nature Conservation Around the World
④Releasing Elk in National Parks






この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)

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