2019年度 センター英語 第2問C 会話完成 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2019年度 センター英語 第2問C 会話完成 問題
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。
Museum guide: The number of visitors has dropped this month.
Museum guard: It’s probably because of the construction on the second floor.
Museum guide: Yes, the “Treasures of Egypt” exhibit there always attracted to so many people.
Museum guard: So, ( ) the most popular area is closed.
【 (A) I can’t help / (B) It can’t be helped 】→
【 (A) that there are fewer people / (B) that there are more people 】→
【 (A) during / (B) while 】
Masa: I heard that last night’s baseball game was the longest this season. You were there, weren’t you?
Alice: That’s right. It was so exciting watching it live at the stadium.
Masa: It must have been late when it finished. How did you get home?
Alice: Yes, it was really late. ( ) It was crowded, but riding with hundreds of other fans was fun.
【 (A) It was barely able to / (B) I was seldom able to 】→
【 (A)catch / (B) miss 】→
【 (A) a taxi. / (B) the last train. 】
Tetsuya: I haven’t seen John today.
Brent: I heard that he’s sick and will be absent from work for a few days.
Tetsuya: That’s too bad. Isn’t he in charge of the meeting later today?
Brent: Yes, ( ) Without him, we can’t talk about those issues.
【 (A) I’m afraid / (B) I’m afraid of 】→
【 (A) the meeting will have to be held / (B) the meeting will have to be put off 】→
【 (A) until next week. / (B) until this evening. 】
2. 2019年度 センター英語 第2問C 会話完成 解答・解説
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話において、二人目の発言が最も適当な応答となるように文を作るには、それぞれ(A)と(B)をどのように選んで組み合わせれば良いか。
Museum guide: The number of visitors has dropped this month.
Museum guard: It’s probably because of the construction on the second floor.
Museum guide: Yes, the “Treasures of Egypt” exhibit there always attracted to so many people.
Museum guard: So, ( ) the most popular area is closed.
【 (A) I can’t help / (B) It can’t be helped 】→
【 (A) that there are fewer people / (B) that there are more people 】→
【 (A) during / (B) while 】
【 考え方 】
・ It can’t be helped. 「それは避けられない」 helpは「避ける」
・2つ目の選択肢は工事によって入場者は減るので (B)。
・3つ目の選択肢は後ろにSV構造が続くので接続詞の(B)while が入る。(duringは前置詞)
[ 解答 ]
it can’t be helped that there are fewer people while the most popular area is closed.
Masa: I heard that last night’s baseball game was the longest this season. You were there, weren’t you?
Alice: That’s right. It was so exciting watching it live at the stadium.
Masa: It must have been late when it finished. How did you get home?
Alice: Yes, it was really late. ( ) It was crowded, but riding with hundreds of other fans was fun.
【 (A) It was barely able to / (B) I was seldom able to 】→
【 (A)catch / (B) miss 】→
【 (A) a taxi. / (B) the last train. 】
【 考え方 】
・1つ目の選択肢。(B) だと「私は滅多に~できなかった」となり意味不明。(A) のbarelyは「かろうじて(~する)」なので問題ない。
[ 解答 ]
It was barely able to catch the last train.
Tetsuya: I haven’t seen John today.
Brent: I heard that he’s sick and will be absent from work for a few days.
Tetsuya: That’s too bad. Isn’t he in charge of the meeting later today?
Brent: Yes, ( ) Without him, we can’t talk about those issues.
【 (A) I’m afraid / (B) I’m afraid of 】→
【 (A) the meeting will have to be held / (B) the meeting will have to be put off 】→
【 (A) until next week. / (B) until this evening. 】
【 考え方 】
・1つめの選択肢。I’m afraid は後ろに節が続く場合ofは不要。I’m afraid (that) ~。ここではthatが省略された形。
・3つ目選択肢は何れもuntil 「~まで(ずっと)」。ここから2つ目の選択肢は (B)のput off 「~延期する」を選ぶ必要がある。(A) のbe held 「開かれる」だと「~まで開かれる」となり意味不明。
・3つ目の選択肢は病気で休んでいるから (B)の今晩は無理なので(A)を選択。
[ 解答 ]
I’m afraid the meeting will have to be put off until next week
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)