2020年度 センター英語 第6問 論説文 問題&解説
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)
1. 2020年度 センター英語 第6問 論説文 問題
(1) Vending machines are so common in Japan that you can find one almost anywhere you go. Some of these machines sell train or meal tickets, and others sell snacks or drinks. They are especially useful for people who want to get something quickly and conveniently.
(2) While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan. It is generally believed that the first one was constructed by a Greek mathematics teacher about 2,200 years ago. This machine sold special water used in prayers at temples. People who wanted to purchase the water put in a coin, which hit a metal lever attached to a string. Then, the weight of the coin let a specific amount of water pour out until the coin fell off. This ensured that people received an equal portion of the special water.
(3) About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars. When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever. The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up. However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world. In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper. This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries. In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan. In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices. After that, a wider variety of products were sold. When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.
(4) The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money. This was a challenge as it proved easy for dishonest individuals to make money that could fool machines. This forced the vending machine industry to establish better detection methods and was one reason countries took steps to develop money that was difficult to counterfeit. Now, vending machines have become technologically advanced, not only to prevent problems with cash but also to accept credit cards and more recent forms of electronic payment.
(5) It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular. Currently, Japan has more than 4.2 million vending machines, with about 55% of them selling beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice. One of the main reasons Japan has become the vending machine capital of the world is its overall level of safety. Unlike many places, where vending machines must be monitored to prevent theft, they can be placed virtually anywhere in Japan. This extraordinary degree of public safety is considered amazing by visitors, as well as the range of products available. Tourists often take pictures of machines that sell unexpected products like bananas, fresh eggs, and bags of rice. It is understandable that visitors see them as one aspect particular to Japanese culture.
(6) Given the popularity and usefulness of vending machines, it is unlikely that they will disappear anytime in the near future. They provide a place where various goods can be sold without the need for a sales clerk. The next time you want to purchase a hot drink on a cold day, remember that, in Japan at least, there is probably a vending machine just around the next corner.
A 次の問い(問1~5)の46〜50に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①〜④のうちから一つずつ選べ。
問1 According to paragraph (2), what was the first vending machine capable of doing? ( 46 )
①Allowing people to acquire a fixed amount of liquid from it
②Offering books of ancient Greek mathematical principles
③Permitting visitors to enter temples when they wanted to pray
④Providing a regular income to the person who created it
問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? ( 47 )
①An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices.
②Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared.
③Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago.
④Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century.
問3 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word counterfeit in paragraph (4)? ( 48 )
①accept illegal exchanges
②create unauthorized imitations
③restrict unapproved technology
④withdraw unnecessary support
問4 According to paragraph (5), what is true about vending machines in Japan? ( 49 )
①Foreign tourists hesitate to make purchases from them.
②Over three quarters of them sell a variety of drinks.
③The highly safe products sold in them attract customers.
④The variety of items makes them unique in the world.
問5 What would be the best title for this passage? ( 50 )
①The Cultural Benefits of Vending Machines in Japanese Society
②The Development of Vending Machines From Historical Perspectives
③The Economic Impact of Vending Machines by International Comparison
④The Globalization of Vending Machines Through Modern Technology
B 次の表は,本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。 ( 51 )〜( 54 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。
Paragraph | Content |
(1) | Introduction |
(2) | ( 51 ) |
(3) | ( 52 ) |
(4) | ( 53 ) |
(5) | ( 54 ) |
(6) | Conclusion |
①A certain factor that has allowed vending machines to exist widely in one country
②Creation of one vending machine and a description of how the device was used
③Difficulties in building vending machines after introducing a different form of money
④Types of vending machine goods sold at different locations in the past
2. 2020年度 センター英語 第6問 論説文 解説
2-1 第6問A 問1 (46) の解説
問1 According to paragraph (2), what was the first vending machine capable of doing? ( 46 )
①Allowing people to acquire a fixed amount of liquid from it 人がそこから一定量の液体を手に入れること
②Offering books of ancient Greek mathematical principles 古代ギリシャの数学の原理の本を提供すること
③Permitting visitors to enter temples when they wanted to pray 訪問者が祈りたい時に寺院に入ることを許可すること
④Providing a regular income to the person who created it それを作った人物に定期的な収入を与えること
(2) While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan. It is generally believed that the first one was constructed by a Greek mathematics teacher about 2,200 years ago. This machine sold special water used in prayers at temples. People who wanted to purchase the water put in a coin, which hit a metal lever attached to a string. Then, the weight of the coin let a specific amount of water pour out until the coin fell off. This ensured that people received an equal portion of the special water.
liquid は water の言い換えですね
2-2 第6問A 問2 (47) の解説
問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? ( 47 )
①An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices. あるイギリスの発明家の(発明した)自動販売機がさまざまな価格で商品を販売した。
②Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared. 価値の高いコインが登場すると、自動販売機の売上が増加した。
③Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago. 自動販売機の技術は何世紀も前にアジアで見られた。
④Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century 自動販売機は18世紀までに世界で一般的になった。
(3) About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars. When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever. The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up. However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world. In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper. This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries. In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan. In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices. After that, a wider variety of products were sold. When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.
2-3 第6問A 問3 (48) の解説
意味類推問題の解き方のコツはその単語だけ見るのではなく、カタマリ(その文が含まれる一文)をまとめて見ること でしたね。
問3 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word counterfeit in paragraph (4)? ( 48 )
問3 次のうち、パラグラフ(4)の下線部の単語couterfeitの意味に最も近いものはどれか。
①accept illegal exchanges 違法な交換を受け入れる
②create unauthorized imitations 不正な模造品を作成する
③restrict unapproved technology 承認されていない技術を制限する
④withdraw unnecessary support 不要な支援を撤回する
(4) The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money. This was a challenge as it proved easy for dishonest individuals to make money that could fool machines. This forced the vending machine industry to establish better detection methods and was one reason countries took steps to develop money that was difficult to counterfeit.
counterfeit の訳は知っていたという受験生も少数ながらいたと思います。
2-4 第6問A 問4 (49) の解説
問4 According to paragraph (5), what is true about vending machines in Japan? ( 49 )
問4 パラグラフ(5)によると、日本の自動販売機については正しいものはどれか。
①Foreign tourists hesitate to make purchases from them. 外国人観光客は自動販売機からの購入をためらう。
②Over three quarters of them sell a variety of drinks. 4分の3以上の自動販売機が様々な飲み物を販売している。
③The highly safe products sold in them attract customers. 自動販売機で販売されている安全性の高い製品が客を引き付けている。
④The variety of items makes them unique in the world. 商品が多様なので世界で独特なものになっている。
(5) It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular. Currently, Japan has more than 4.2 million vending machines, with about 55% of them selling beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice. One of the main reasons Japan has become the vending machine capital of the world is its overall level of safety. Unlike many places, where vending machines must be monitored to prevent theft, they can be placed virtually anywhere in Japan. This extraordinary degree of public safety is considered amazing by visitors, as well as the range of products available. Tourists often take pictures of machines that sell unexpected products like bananas, fresh eggs, and bags of rice. It is understandable that visitors see them as one aspect particular to Japanese culture.
2-5 第6問A 問5 (50) の解説
問5 What would be the best title for this passage? ( 50 )
問5 この一節に最適なタイトルは何であろうか?
①The Cultural Benefits of Vending Machines in Japanese Society 日本社会における自動販売機の文化的利益
②The Development of Vending Machines From Historical Perspectives 歴史的視点から見た自動販売機の発展
③The Economic Impact of Vending Machines by International Comparison 国際比較による自動販売機の経済的影響
④The Globalization of Vending Machines Through Modern Technology 現代技術を通じた自動販売機のグローバル化
2-6 第6問 B (51~54) の解説
B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。51~54に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。
Paragraph | Content |
(1) | Introduction |
(2) | ( 51 ) |
(3) | ( 52 ) |
(4) | ( 53 ) |
(5) | ( 54 ) |
(6) | Conclusion |
①A certain factor that has allowed vending machines to exist widely in one country
( 54 )
②Creation of one vending machine and a description of how the device was used
( 51 )
③Difficulties in building vending machines after introducing a different form of money
( 53 )
④Types of vending machine goods sold at different locations in the past
( 52 )
①「1つの国に自動販売機が広く存在することを可能にしたある要因」は日本の事を述べたものだから第五段落で( 54 )が正解。
②は「2,200年前にギリシャで作られた最初の自動販売機のこと」なので 第二段落で( 51 )が正解。
③は「異なる形態のお金」が紙幣の事なので第四段落で ( 53 )が正解。
④は「過去に売られていた商品の話なので」第三段落で( 52 )が正解。
「大学入試英語解く得!」は最高PV数 34,212 / 日
特技:将棋アマ六段 (全国レーティング選手権優勝 1998)